
Worst part was most of the poor women couldn't make ends meet on that shitty job alone so many of them also worked as... servers in restaurants!

What if it was a statue of Mary?

I never worked a job for tips but one miserable half a summer I had a job cleaning hotel rooms? Oh God was it awful, I felt so bad for people who didn't get to leave it and go back to school. I ended up getting an internship half way through and bailed because it was the worst thing I had ever done in my life and it

I've got to be honest, GoFundMe clearly has the right to operate under whatever bizarre set of rules they want, but it really feels like they shouldn't get involved with what can and cannot funded through their website short of shutting down obvious fakes and scams. People have the right to give their money to any

Being ill for a few weeks might not be an imposition to them but some of the shit people have stopped vaccinating for had a pretty high kill rate the last time it swept through. Now sure, medical science has made huge advancements, but let's face it, if one of these big time diseases takes hold again and swamps our

Rich people in CA in general are refusing to vaccinate their children. Some horrible plague is going to rip through the West Coast and the only thing I'm sad about is that the children who will suffer have nothing to do with their parent's stupidity.

The one time I had the misfortune of flying near American Thanksgiving we were sitting waiting for the plane at they brought up a 'secondary screen booth'. We could pretty much identify every 'random' person they selected for a second screening based upon skin color alone, we were taking bets on who the random 'white'


I like my band-aids to have Muppet characters on them, makes me happy and over rides the ouchie!

The trailer has been blocked by Fox on copyright grounds... Dude... Fox seriously? It's a trailer, that's just more free advertising...

All Penises belong to God and are on loan eh? Better hope God doesn't ever decide you're overdue on your account and come by to collect...

Definitely free range

He was really just phoning it in that day, who would have thought?

Much less hysteria, this one is just the spare heir. We don't get excited for spares...

Play us the song of your people Mr. Pointy Tail Racoon!

Wasn't the argument to get rid of the buffer zones the fact that they needed to have civilized and polite conversation with women entering planned parenthood? That's a lovely example of civilized right there...

Well, it's not 'classest' to observe that. Many of the red states with poorer education standards are also deeply economically deprived states. They're the poorest of the poor states so their education coffers are pretty much empty. Even if they wanted to improve educational standards, there's nothing to work with. It

The fluffies! SO MANY FLUFFIES!!!

Considering no matter how much we talk about it and how obvious it should be a certain percentage of the population simply refuses to believe that rape is in fact rape I'd say we have a long up hill battle to go still.

I appear to be back in the greys again so no one will see this but I swear, it isn't porn.