
Also, all that irrational hatred of pushup bras as well. Nothing worse for some poor guy then when a woman takes off her bra and there go her boobs. He swears he would have gone to bed with her if she were just wearing a normal bra because he doesn't care AT ALL but now that he's been lied to? Totally not in the mood

We must be the lucky ones. Shhhh don't talk too loudly or the... oppressive minorities (who's performing this genocide here?) might come find us through our ISP addresses!

The man's a bigot, and an idiot... but come on, he's not stupid! He knows how to get a big turnout! Confused drunken white people are just as good.

I too am curious where we white folks are being genocided by UN standards! I mean, it's proof positive the liberal media is against us, I haven't heard one thing in the news about a mass white people genocide. Clearly a conspiracy.

To do man stuff, ladies wouldn't understand.

Ah damn, I'm in one of the very few days where I no longer qualify as *pregnant*, ah well, better luck next time I guess?

Seriously. I would think that anyone who actually wanted advice about how to snag a man in college, the bare minimum requirement for the person dolling out the advice would be 'still married' or I guess 'widowed' would also work. Why would they want advice from someone who got divorced? Even if she is saying 'here's

This is my personal favorite "Misandry" gif!

The one time I went to anything like this it was a Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and all I could think when they had there 'swim with the dolphins' event was, "You want me to get into a tank with a wild animal and a predator at that that's larger than me and swim around with it? No thanks. Who the Hell is putting their

My name is very rare, very likely to be democrat, and pretty likely to have a college degree and a gun. My name cannot be put in a box!

I was actually really bummed that they added the writing test well after I had left high school. I would have demolished the writing portion. Whenever tests offered writing sections I scored off the charts. It would have made up for my lack luster math skills. Can I report my GRE test scores instead? At least I have a

I made my bed today. Meh. It's been an ok day. Most days that are awesome days I don't have the time to make my bed, so anecdotally speaking, this advice is crap.

I like the phrase '30-something' really leaves that open for interpretation. Are you 31 dating your 21 year old intern or are you 39 dating your 21 year old intern. BIG difference there... Somehow, based on this letter, I suspect he's just barely clinging to his 30s with a desperate grasp he can feel slipping away!

I just googled my city and 'rape victim material witness' to try and find the case I mentioned. I found a second one from 2012 as well where a 17 year old girl was locked up for missing her court appearances against her rapist. Standard procedure indeed.

Should have seen people bend over to defend the prosecutors as well. "Well she doesn't show up, what are they suppose to do?" Ummmm.... how about NOT LOCK HER UP?!?! Her freaking accused rapists were out on bail and she was in prison. I actually, sadly, do not know what happened with her case. We had several high

Prosecutors in my current city issued a material witness warrant for a rape victim and held her in jail for several days this past summer I believe as well. She was the victim of a gang rape and was terrified to go to court... so they arrested her.

Also, it might have something to do with people constantly telling young women they'll change their mind some day and they're making a huge mistake. It wears people down to the point where I suspect many people decided to have children even if it still isn't exactly what they wanted to do with their lives. I don't

I do love how Paul Robinette came back a few times as a defense attorney in future cases, I found his character arch to be completely believable and well written, reflecting his experiences in the DAs office.

The early seasons are particularly awesome, it's a pity they don't get more screen time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me some Lennie Briscoe, but the first two years of Law and Order have some AWESOME episodes in them.