
Every year the middle school down the street from me has a GIANT sign on the front lawn practically blinking that they'll give free vaccinations to anyone's students, just freaking show up, they're that desperate to get the kids vaccinated. Of course, I live in one of those idiotic regions that has a freakishly high

Comcast once gave away our phone number while trying to solve our problem... over the phone. That was an exciting week.

I think there's also something to the fact that we've removed these animals from the wild, we've domesticated them to some extent. They can't just be returned to nature, once they are born and bred into captivity, they are somewhat stuck in captivity forever, thus making them dependent upon man to protect them. People

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you... it needs to be MINE! :)

Hooray for supposed one night stands that somehow turn into long term relationships!

That music was so triumphant! I think it's quite fitting for roach killing.

My most popular post was my cat *not quite* fitting into his favorite bed. It successfully missed the largest milestones of my life but it DID feature a surprising amount of photos from the last 12 months of my cats? I mean, they are super important but...

Yeah, I like that the stuff they chose for my 'first moments' on Facebook or whatever it was were after I'd been on it for over a year. 'First' is a very relative term on the internet.

Seriously! Why don't other men believe that? My boyfriend goes through that EVERY YEAR at work. "NOOOO you have to take her out, she REALLY wants to go out, you're letting her down!" I'm pretty sure he has a better idea of what I want than they do, they've never even met me!

That was the most perplexing thing in the world for me, the day I started getting friend requests from the kids who ruined my life in middle school. We don't even have anything in common now. They all seem like they grew up and stopped being horrible children, but we don't have anything in common. They're all married

Kids and animals, I don't know how you reach a point as an adult where hurting or killing either one of them makes sense to you or becomes something you can do. I think anything/anyone who is dependent upon the system to protect them because they don't have any other choice should BE protected by the system.

30? Man that's generous, give the MRAs their way and we'll all be discarded way earlier. 25 has a nice ring to it, maybe even 21, who wants a woman in America once she's old enough to legally drink? Hell, go all the way back to 18, pass from 'child' to 'washed-up' in the blink of an eye!

I know, I'm not allowed to complain because here in sunny California everything is just wonderful, except, it really isn't. It's so dry and so hot, where I live we've had an inch of rain MAYBE this winter? We were all ready so far behind from last year. I still see freaking idiots putting on their god damn sprinkler

Same here. I just call my doctor and tell them I've run out and they call in another month or two to tie me over till my appointment. Maybe it's just because they know I'll be in for the appointment but it's never been a problem for me.

My worst reoccurring nightmares revolve around me not being able to see clearly whatever it is that's after me. I always lose my glasses in my nightmares and for some reason my vision is much worse than it is in real life. I'm constantly running/hiding from *something* but I can't see clearly what I'm doing.


I was actually a little scared when I saw this headline the other day that it WAS because they were restricting access. I mean, we have how many states with virtually NO access to abortion? I too would love to see abortion rates drop due to effective sexual education and preventative measures, but I'll admit my gut

I knew I shouldn't have trusted that bowl of life cereal!

It won't? Damn it! Well, let me just go ahead and cancel that appointment now...

HOORAY! I won't be affected by this one! Phew! Nice for one to finally break the news and NOT have to worry if my numbers were stolen!