
I know someone who had to start shaving their cat every few months near the end because he just wasn't grooming himself anymore and his fur was getting matted. He loved the hair cut and promptly stole dinner off their plates the first night they'd had it done proving that he had a lot of spunk left in him. He's still

DO IT! Don't let age or children change who you are so long as you were all ready an awesome person! No one gets to say what is right for anyone else but if you want to, then go for it! Would you really want to hang out with someone who thought you were too immature because of your shoes anyways?

Definitely insist on a credit, but make sure you follow up on it. Every time I've brought up that my company *cough cough* comcast *cough cough* didn't provide the service they want me to pay for they've given me the credit, but I've had to follow up on every single one of them to get it to actually go through. I'm

In theory, couldn't they find a freelancer living abroad as well if they wanted to keep the 'American' theme but still reach out to other parts of the world? Last time I checked, America was a fucking huge country with a fucking huge population and we live in a time and age where they can wander pretty freely. How

You don't sound at all crazy to me, I would be terrified of leaving one of my cats if that had happened to the other. The loss of a pet is no light matter, it's a serious loss for many people and you shouldn't be ashamed to grieve for a pet or be worried about the who left behind with you.

I own 5, but I'll be honest, it took over 2 years of going to the gym every single day before I decided it was a good investment. It totally was. I really HATE putting something on that I've sweat in heavily, so this does mean I do the laundry every week like clockwork, but it's worth it.

My grandmother died on my 21st birthday. I've kind of soured to the whole experience since then.

My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly a decade and about 3 years ago he finally got the breaks he needed and is making a TON of money now. We talked it over, and ultimately decided to live in his income alone so that I could pursue a much more unstable dream career. It took a really long time for me to

My SO's a programmer as well, he wasn't familiar with Prolog but when he looked it up he muddled out an explanation that sort of made sense, we're still not sure about the question though, it's still too convoluted to understand what factors you're suppose to be using and solving here.

That is a delightful story! I've never had the pleasure myself but, true story, the history professor I worked for in graduate school claimed to have been exorcized from demons she picked up doing her research as a graduate student. Smart lady, never could wrap my head around it.

I actually went through and cleaned out a box and a half books to donate and it doesn't seem to have made a dent, they all just came back. It's like the could feel the empty space and books just flocked to me. I give away a box, a new box shows up.

I think I usually considered myself lucky if they just gave me a 20$ and didn't want to get change back or something, also if they let me have access to their fridge, and this would have been about 15 years ago in New England.

I have a real problem when it comes to lingerie, it's just so much unnecessary fun! I've been with my boyfriend for nearly a decade as well, but Hell, it's not for him. It's for ME! I LOVE IT and MUST HAVE IT ALL!

Exactly! I mean, I'm not going to say there's NOTHING problematic about her but frankly if that's the 'bad influence' celeb your kid looks up to? Count your lucky stars!

You fill us a tub, I'll grab us a duck! Come on everyone, we've got a Pope to wrangle!

Feels like pretty sound advice to me. I saw something on CNN the other night while at the gym where they were trying their best to prove that Miley was a bad influence and had fallen from grace as a child star and all they seemed to come up with was a bunch of pearl clutching people muttering about her revealing

He's a witch I tells ya!

Well we might one day HAVE children and need to take time off. They're just planning for the inevitable future when all women have their biological clock kick in and decide to have children. They can't give us a raise, promotion, or any type of responsibility when we're childless, one day we will definitely have kids

I loathe self publishing with every fiber of my being. I worked my ass off to find a gatekeeper to the publishing industry, writing and rewriting, editing and researching, and this shit just goes straight to idiot press. I mean, I know there are some brilliant works that are self published but damn it all, why this?

Once you implement these technologies? Not that I place much faith in this writer but, does he know what that word means? I mean... what the fuck is a dating technology?