
I think the next photo I take with my boyfriend I'm going to Photoshop into this because it's that awesome. Everyone should have a centaur themed picture of themselves and their SO.

Damn.... that's some serious inflation from my teenage days of babysitting. I wish I could have raked in over 100$ for the work.

You mad bro? We totes not friends now! - Tsar Alexander I

I use to foster special needs kitties for a local rescue group. One time they called me and asked me during my 'off' period if I could come get an urgent one. She was hugely overweight and matted, her sister had all ready died from the weight and they needed me to help get her under control. Her owner was an elderly

Are you suggesting we don't label 'gay' things as such? I mean, what if a straight were to accidentally brush up against one of them then? Do you want to risk catching the gay? *Sarcasm*

Pfft! Who needs them and their cheery dispositions anyways? Our cold and surly personalities endure any amount of sun this state can heap on us!

I'm substantially more disciplined than my boyfriend so when I decided I'd had enough of our more lazy lifestyle and cracked down on myself to get back some of my lost former ballet dancer self, mainly because the limited weight gain wasn't natural feeling on my body and was wearing on me physically, he ended up

I got the reverse too! New England to Northern CA has NOT been the world's easiest adjustment. I think I'd have had an easy time moving to London from back East over here!

M'lady doesn't immediately send me running depending on the context but dear God, I get the keebie jeebies when some man calls me m'dear. That's a level of implied intimacy and courtly bullshit I CANNOT handle!

Well, her eyes did magically reappear when she finished the 7 wonders, maybe she can also have babies now as well?

I think that's why they brought in frankenboyfriend, now she has a 'true love' who can't die? Maybe? Anyways, since she has him, magical killing sexy powers are no longer an issue!

Or while he was watching them shower, maybe he's a multi-tasker?

I have never been able to decided between team thin mint and team samoa; why can't we all just be friends?

You'd think since they try this every year and it never succeeds they'd realize it's a lost cause and move on. America loves its girl scout cookies!

Those weren't real boycotts! Those were ANTI-AMERICAN BOYCOTTS! This is totally a real boycott, also, this issue is SERIOUS. We're talking about COOKIES here people!

Anything that pisses off Rush seems like a good thing to me, that's really the only endorsement I require!

In this country we have decided that you are a child until you are 18. Legally you are the responsibility of the adults in your lives. In my mind, that makes it pretty fucking clear that we, as a society, have a responsibility to provide basic care for those under the legal age of adulthood, and I most assuredly would

Remember: Once you get married husbands never die, become incapacitated and unable to work/support you, or leave you and your children. Never happens. Circumstances at the time of marriage remain unchanged forever and ever. That's science ladies.

Tell me about it. We have 2 credit cards, the one we never used sent out an email update saying that they were replacing anyone's cards that were used there during the time frame, the one we do use won't even process our request for new numbers/cards. Guess we'll be switching THAT around in the near future.