
Fantastic! I'll be skinny in no time!

I never had a problem with police growing up, granted I did live in a really small monolithic community and I'm positive that accounts for it, but when I moved to CA, Jesus Christ! They are poorly trained and over-armed, it's terrifying. Certain cities seem to be competing for the 'we can violate the most civil

Exactly! If you're wearing the hat as part of your 'costume' to help you take on a new personality, get out, otherwise, rock all the hats!

Well... McDonald's does assume its employees are working two jobs...

I definitely agree with you about the case being a mess. For whatever reason the investigation and prosecution were so badly botched I'm not sure it's possible to have a well informed opinion on her guilt or innocence. If nothing else, I respect the fact that America doesn't want to send her back because their own

True, I also can't imagine she WANTS to visit Europe again anytime soon after what she's been through, I suspect the experience might sour you a little to the continent.

And perhaps an emergency pair of scissors/knife in a break away case next to it? If everyone has a story about escalators causing such harm why isn't there a little more oversight of them? I mean, elevators all have emergency buttons, why is their nothing for escalators? Fear that idiot kids will constantly be hitting

Damn it, if these are the kind of people I can get left behind with maybe I should consider going to Church. Oh, no, wait... they're just as bad. Screw it.

When I was a little girl my mom gave me an 'antique' barbie doll from the 60s to go along with my modern barbies after I found her in a box of stuff my mom had growing up. I always thought she was a Midge doll but after googling Midge that doesn't seem quite right. She had black crimped hair and darker skin. I'll

Exactly, I thought women were suppose to stand by their man no matter what. I mean, men just can't help themselves, they're just naturally aggressive and programed to get all the ladies! We women are suppose to take care of them and support them and never question them; isn't that right?


Agreed, I'm especially bitter when the pinning job was so insane that I can't even modify the article of clothing myself to do the job. Sometimes I can sew it and alter it to work but there's nothing more aggravating than it being so out of proportion with the projected image that I just can't make it work. Worse

It's true, the art of bullshit has saved my ass more times than I can say. I just can't help it, sometimes it's just too easy! Of course, I know better than to bullshit when someone is sticking a freaking camera and microphone in my face!

Damn, yesterday red nail polish was making us all hussies, today it's red lipstick. What else can't be red? I want to make sure I remove all the hussy from my makeup and wardrobe before going out into the world, I'd hate to be responsible for the corruption of young children.

It's amazing God has time to do anything given how frequently he, his son, and assorted other holy figures are appearing on Earth in the form of toast, wood, and bruising. I mean, when DOES he find time to smite the gays with all this magical apparitions?

Well, YES... maybe... but at least she didn't go to Harvard Law School on her husband's dime and then cruelty divorce him and walk out on her family.... 10 years later... after repaying her student loans....

Oh I can, and it is perfection!

I have never been short. Seriously, I don't even ever remember being the same height as my friends growing up, just one day I towered over them. I'm 'only' 5'8" but among women I usually have a substantial height advantage over them. My best friend is 5'4" and she asked me to be her maid of honor in her upcoming

I know! I'm 'only' 5'8" and while I do usually stand solidly above most other women, my biggest problem is that I carry all that weight in my legs. I can't find pants long enough without spending a small fortune on them.