
You can't say VAGINA on the internet!!! People might SEE it!

Aw! That's right! I have a friend who is obsessed with the books, he's pitched them several times to me. I think they've always been on my 'to read' list but the sheer size of them usually makes me pick up something else instead but default!

Boyfriend and I have several stray kitties who come by our house for food. We do our best to get them fixed and vetted and keep them fed to keep down fights in our little colony. One day, it was over 100 degrees out and I saw him taking the ice cube tray outside. He filled the bowls of water for the strays with ice

We're only get temps like that during the day, but seriously, where the hell is my winter? It's SUPPOSE to be cold here right now!

Evidently, according to him, my boyfriend was discussing gift giving and holidays with his coworkers and when he told them I didn't want presents from him for any of them and didn't expect anything special for Valentine's Day they all told him he was being an idiot and I was lying (we'd been together at least 5 or 6

Actually, this summer someone asked me if I'd ever been told I look like Uma Thurman, I had not. I spent quite a bit of time contemplating this and turns out, I think I actually do look a little bit like her, but it still caught me off guard. Prior to that I'd never been compared to any famous person alive or dead

Ditto! It definitely won me over to team flamingo!

I know, it's hard if you've got no one who shares the interest in certain material! READ THIS BOOK!!! NOW!!! Please? I'm fairly certain that flamingo is an avid reader, that's why I chose him.

ALWAYS read the book first right? :)

I read the Lord of the Rings series years ago, definitely a thorough read. I just mentioned to someone else I've been considering rereading The Handmaid's Tale because the first time I read it was for required reading senior year of high school AP course, and I'm not sure how much 17 year old interruptingcat took away

I was just talking with the boyfriend about rereading The Handmaid's Tale. He had a friend ask him how young was too young for the book and it got me thinking about it. I read it as a senior in high school for the AP course, but I'm not sure how much I took away from it back then in all fairness. I feel like I might

Wait, is full blown history nerd a bad thing? Oh dear... then um, I swear, I'm definitely NOT one! *shifty eyes*

I thought it was a good one!

That's pretty much the same vintage of his stuff I've read. I'd heard some bad reviews of the more recent stuff so I just didn't pick up anything of his recently, I might have to look into that more closely now.

I haven't read any of Stephen King's recent work, I might have to check out what's he's published in the last few years.

I've always had a thing for religions, I haven't yet gotten around to Scientology but I'll admit, I'm fascinated by it. I love reading religious text to see where the stuff they say comes from.

There just aren't enough hours in the day for all the amazing books out there are there?

Aren't they making a movie out of Monuments Men that's about to come out or am I thinking of something completely different...

I LOVE Hilary Mantel, my personal favorite is A Place of Greater Safety because I'm a complete French Revolution buff, but all her stuff is awesome!

Oh, that sounds awesome. I'll definitely have to look that up, WWII has been my recent over indulgence of choice as well for historical fiction! I really need a strong female protagonist again, too many male leads recently.