interrogator-chaplain - Support the GMG Union!

I’m not much of a gearhead yet, does it come with installation instructions?

That $200,000 green from Porsche would do.

Ohhh, the RMM was something I was looking at, because I have started to note that little jump between spirited shifts. Any recommendations?

Noted! Thanks!

Am 28 and after years of saving, I finally picked up a Ford Fiesta ST last month and I am having a grand old time. Also, I can’t stop visiting the COBB website and thinking things over. So up yours to whoever thinks millennials don’t want cars.

Support for Fast and the Furious movies is holding us back from getting more Mad Max’s and Bullitts.

I like them longer because they’re usually the things I watch while I eat lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Can usually finish what I’m eating by the time they finish playing.

In some ways it’s better and worse when the relative gets dementia as was the case in my grandma. The person dies long before the body does, which allows you to go through the grieving while technically they’re still there. Never really got to see her much growing up, still sucked watching what little I knew of her


I think it’s better just to work with the kill points. Currently they sit at 5 points a kill and you’d have to kill every single person to reach 500. And I didn’t follow the coverage of the tournament, but I imagine some people could pull off 10+ kills, so why not make kills worth something like 65 points so that a

Exactly, unless you know the caliber and whereabouts of your opposition, the fact that you can’t just jump in a new game moments after death will give you an abundance of caution.

Volkhana. Ken Block hooning in/on/near an active volcano.

That’s the right question.

You said it, ya fuckhead.

Between DoWII and its 3 expansions, I have a total of 446 hours put into it. I have less than 24 in DoWIII. Colour me skeptical.

(I grant you DoWIII hasn’t been out for years, but the multiplayer is just too much dumb base micromanagement over DoWII’s get fighting immediately style.)

It gave me a fucking headache.

You are! And I completely agree with you. A good Gallardo ruined.

Alright, I just read all you wrote and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I’m picking up what you’re putting down and I like it. Been thinking along these same lines a lot while at work. I’ve come to the conclusion that a regulated democratic capitalist society with strong socialist underpinnings is probably the ideal society for humanity. Fascism is obviously out of the question and pure