Take it away deer.
Take it away deer.
Clicked on the article hoping for a breathtakingly stupid argument, was not disappointed.
I knew someone like you would come through.
And when it’s used against you? Say, not being allowed to say “Climate Change” at the Department of Agriculture?
That was a good start to my morning. Helps to see examples that the world hasn’t gone completely mad.
Freedom of speech means being able to speak whatever you want to, if you want to talk about being pro-authoritarian or pro-socialist, you most surely can. That’s the beauty of it, but deciding what is and isn’t acceptable to say can lead to the curtailing of speech in the future depending on who controls what can and…
I think the dairy industry might take exception.
Goddammit people...
That bee was a real buzzkill.
Any excuse:
Hopefully those supercharging points sprout up around Canada because a few people I know do 500+ km road trips which this can’t do. Otherwise, exciting development.
Viper V10 into a Tucker Torpedo.
Because it’s good to have opinions that differ from the group. Otherwise you get an echo chamber that leads to groupthink, and groupthink is ALWAYS BAD.
Infield or oval?
Nicest perk you’ve ever gotten while doing a review for a manufacturer, full disclosure now.
Even when her political career is nothing but cold ashes can you guys not let her go. She’s gone, she’s never coming back. You need another target to deflect onto.
I was in Toronto for the autoshow back in 2008, when Lambo still had a dealer there. Before heading to the show, my dad and I decided to trek over to the Ferrari and Lambo dealers (Walking was a mistake as the Lambo dealer was waaaay down at the end of Queen St., 45 minute walk.)
Walked into the Ferrari dealer and the…
2045 me: “No, not again, it’s happening again, noooooo!”
J/k, we’ll all be dead by then.
Spot on, fully agree.