Ron Calls on his years of experience....and freezes at the controls

This company claims this bike can do ‘light trail riding for 6 hours’. With a 6kWh battery. That gives you a power budget of 1000 watt hours per hour. In horsepower, that is a continuous output of 1.34HP assuming a spherical woodchuck in a vacuum with no losses in the motor, inverter or friction.

Kinda puts a new spin on the “should police pursue car thieves” debate, doesn’t it? If I’m going to be held liable for cleanup or whatever results from a crash after somebody steals my car, I’m all for the cops chasing them down and collaring them as quickly as possible. 

This is a new electric vehicle. They should have promised it could fly, can recharge in 3 minutes, and has a range of six hundred miles. Then walk all those stats back.

Oh boy are you about to be disappointed. Not only have I now written about counterweights, but I’ve also written about blue anodized wheel cylinders:

This is just a headline. Don’t read into it. I welcome death.

Likely he “has” to have a SUV because of the 6000 GVWR rule for businesses.

DRS helped, in my opinion. Prior to that, the aero had become so twitchy that passing didn’t happen.

San Francisco seems like a great place to start. 

Of course it was pointless. As you can see, it is round everywhere instead.

I have not attempted to dye it. However, I know it takes *hair* dye, as groomers will dye poodles. (Side-note: I really really really want a movie where the evil supervillain has an estate guarded by pink attack poodles.) Dye is definitely not something I feel ready to try yet! My apricot poodle’s hair could probably

They’re like giant rabbits, which is unfair to rabbits really.

Yep, deer are really fast, really heavy and don’t look where they’re going. A deer ran into me once, behind the front wheel, took out two fenders and knocked me into the ditch.

Some animals are smart though...

Someone should let the rainforest know its time to stop getting in the way of saving the planet.

In Singapore it’s a “breakdown”. You’ll hear that traffic was bad on the news because of a car broken down... then you drive by the bloody crash. The state controlled media doesn’t want to bum anyone out I guess.

Can we change it to a car “whoops”?

That makes me wish I hadn’t been turned away by other riders when I saw one for sale for $3,000 a couple of years back. The CBX remains an all-time dream motorcycle of mine and I’m still kicking myself over not getting one when they were cheap. :)

As an old Honda tech, there wasn’t anything harder maintenance wise on these than any other CB. You need 2 sets of carb sticks is about it. The intake plumbing on the center carbs was mildly annoying, but you would rarely need to pull the carbs on these.

I’m only being half-facetious, obviously. There’s a reason I have been commenting here for over 8 years.