Ron Calls on his years of experience....and freezes at the controls

IKR? You’d think stopping at a red light would be the second thing you’d teach an autonomous car to do.

Disagree. Shared stories from Jezebel are worse. I don’t even know how they happen but they do.

There’s nothing worse on Jalopnik than the “shared” stories from not-Gawker.

Startups, and established businesses, and sports teams are fine. They should succeed on their merits, not on their ability to fool (at best, bribe at worst) politicians into investing my money.

For not having the necessary state permit

Zumwalt has 80 VLS cells. 16" guns are cool but since this is 2016 I’d put my money on the ship that carriers more missiles.

The first tanks in WWI sucked, does that mean the British should have said “well I guess this whole idea is bad?”

Monster Energy Left Turn Challenge

A flying car company named “Pigeon”

Carsquid. We buy up old Google “Koala” cars, scrap the autonomous hard- and software and repower with Hayabusa engines.

SoccerVan. You get a ride with soccer moms taking their kids places.

I’m gonna call mine “BuyMeOut10MillionDollarsDriveAway”, because fuck it, why not be honest about what I want from the industry.



I wonder what the PT cruiser in the lead photo is saying to all the other cars

I keep thinking back to my high school English teacher. If I had turned that in as a sentence in an essay, he would have handed it back to me and said “You like to show off? How about you diagram this sentence for the class.”

I have a vague notion but got lost in the mythopoetic stew of shitty writing.

Lolz. I like the saying “You owe a thousand bucks, the bank owns you. You owe a million bucks, you own the bank.” At some point the lender is even more vulnerable than the borrower. However, I’m well aware we owe the vast majority of our debt to ourselves, not China.

4th gear: I never even heard of beepi. Also when I read “and buyers do not drive the vehicles until making the purchase.”