Cruise Ships, Sunshine, and Cocktails

These are the best of times.

At this pace, in a few decades it will be like slavery never happened. 

They are right. They’ve been right all along, but we failed to listen and the door is now closed. We are past the point of return. My only solace is that, as cities become filled with water, sewage, and ice while the sun melts my hair off I can look a denier in the eye and tell him “I told you so.”

Ideazone: Six Flags is hurting for business. People want to look at their phones and read Kinja, not go on rides. Nevertheless, rides are still pretty enjoyable. To the best of my knowledge all Six Flags theme parks are gated.

I know. Shady Jenkins avoided falling for the bait. SALT cap is how Trump chips away at Bernie’s base. They just need to understand what it means first.

Ok, Mr. Shapiro. I think we’re done here.

The doctor didn’t assert that transgendereds that have declined to remove their genitals and replace them with a wound commit suicide at a higher rate than those that have because that is not true, and obviously so.

Great idea. This is a great way to directly fund the Military Industrial Complex. Supported. In no way could this ever be misused. As soon as war happens, the switch is flipped and we start piping money to the guys doing the war. This seems like a good idea. Common sense. Supported.

desperate need for attention

Lower than transexuals who have not undergone the surgery, as the lead doctor on the study points out.

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should

Not if you bring your own... just an idea.

Of course not. This is just a way to pay for younger votes.

You wouldn’t believe how many flyover state Republicans don’t understand how the tax cut and the SALT deduction cap screwed them over.

Unfortunately it’s true. Imagine thinking that surgery was going to cure your problems only to realize you still have them after. We need to have compassion for these people and that requires questioning these fairly extreme practices.

I’ll never trust polls again after the disappointment I felt following the 2016 election. My world was turned upside down. Never again.

with a snack... of solidarity :)

No, I wanted to do a neocon bit but am bored of it already. Trump did the right thing and everyone knows it. He will be president for at least another term.

Not that strange if you view her as a person humbled by her own situation. Why do you assume that one must be able to perform the function they consider most powerful?