Cruise Ships, Sunshine, and Cocktails

Even without her theft of the Native American identity, she had no chance. Secluding her in nerfball debate land away from the other supposed contenders won’t help either. She has no chance at all. Her eyes give her away.

40% of the people who get “gender reassignment surgery” kill themselves. 

I don’t like Trump but how can you say a girl with zero alibis and zero memory of any actual details with zero corroboration of anything having ever happened is credible? She looked insane.

You’re afraid to be honest but I not. I don’t believe her at all for every reason you said and more in fact. She’s lying. Anyone with a decent radar has sirens going off bigtime.

Don’t call them that.

Obama deported more people quicker then Trump. Skeptical of Obama at first but turned out great.

Warren would’ve knocked the hell outta Iran for that stunt they pulled. Bernie is a hippie. No contest - Warren is better. No contest.

Bernie is wrong per usual as he is a complete nutcase but honestly I’ll say I thought that Trump would have a little more gusto than to chicken out at the last second. We need to protect our assets in the Middle East. Need to protect our allies out there if we ever want democracy to take hold in the region. Iran was

If Mayor Pete can’t even successfully manage a goddamn tiny little place like South Bend what the hell kinda nerve has this guy got asking me for my vote so he can take a shot at the big time?