Cruise Ships, Sunshine, and Cocktails

Words have meaning. AOC is great, but she needs to choose words that don’t have deeply historical meaning. She had to know it was going to offend millions of people. Did she intend to do that? 

I paid $4500 for my Hamilton tickets. It’s more than just a play. It’s a cultural turning point. And I was there for it.

Right. It’s weird, like really weird, how the progressive wing insists on using certain language that seems almost designed to cause controversy which naturally distracts from the point they were ostensibly making. It’s oddly intentional-feeling.

Missouri has 10 electoral votes? We’re doomed.

I didn’t reply to you. You have very strange opinions on this matter.

NCAA Athletes should be paid. That’s a no brainer.

Right. But nobody really cared too much until the Holocaust happened. Europe had been fighting each other for centuries so a little skirmish here and there was just normal stuff.

The Holocaust sparked WWII. The stuff on the border stinks for sure, but it’s only sparked a couple tweets and Facebook posts.

wft? your from Gawker I thought

Horrible idea that will backfire on them. You are on one of two sides:

What’s this article about?

These are the best of times.

At this pace, in a few decades it will be like slavery never happened. 

Ideazone: Six Flags is hurting for business. People want to look at their phones and read Kinja, not go on rides. Nevertheless, rides are still pretty enjoyable. To the best of my knowledge all Six Flags theme parks are gated.

I know. Shady Jenkins avoided falling for the bait. SALT cap is how Trump chips away at Bernie’s base. They just need to understand what it means first.

Ok, Mr. Shapiro. I think we’re done here.

The doctor didn’t assert that transgendereds that have declined to remove their genitals and replace them with a wound commit suicide at a higher rate than those that have because that is not true, and obviously so.

Great idea. This is a great way to directly fund the Military Industrial Complex. Supported. In no way could this ever be misused. As soon as war happens, the switch is flipped and we start piping money to the guys doing the war. This seems like a good idea. Common sense. Supported.

desperate need for attention

Lower than transexuals who have not undergone the surgery, as the lead doctor on the study points out.