Cruise Ships, Sunshine, and Cocktails

Here’s the problem. AOC referring to them as “concentration camps” spurned into a “controversy” distracting from her point in the first place. It would have been better to use another term to prevent this if the goal is to highlight how horrible conditions are rather than her use of language. Perhaps “internment camp”

I’m not going to wish death on you for your bad comment like others have, but I will say this is a one hell of a shitty take.

that included suggestions seeming to shit on liberal parents

Run away and cry more, cuck.

very few people in flyover country got fucked by the SALT cap, it was specifically meant to target high tax state and localities people with high incomes. And it did it’s job well, seeing how the NY state government allowed people to “donate” to a state “charity” which attempted to reduce people’s net tax burden. But

The SALT deduction cap is kind of insidiously brilliant-- it falls most heavily on citizens of states Trump is going to lose anyway. 

The fact that she was smiling and appeared to be holding back laughter while recounting the details of her supposed traumatic assault was a strange look.

There is nothing fake about him, and the scare quotes are unnecessary. The word “Christian” is defined as a member of the religion of Christianity. Nothing more, nothing less. There are wonderful people and abhorrent people of all faiths and no faith. It’s long past time to stop using “Christian” as an adjective