
Just curious: Even if her accusation was rooted in racism or ignorance, how does that prove that she's a murderer?

I know a lot of ten year olds who know what the fuck Oxfam is.

They're like the perfect conscience shoulder angels!

Obama: "How do I feel about this top?"
*poof!* Shoulder Angel Bohner: "It's too young for you. No."
*poof!* Shoulder Angel Biden: "Get it, girl!!!!!"

Always listen to Shoulder Angel Biden.

I have three of them and when they all get going its amazeballs

Actually, Hitler would've been well advised to follow Phyllis's lead. Invading the USSR during winter was, as it turned out, a really stupid idea.

I have one! He is a real sweety, but not a talker at all. Very high maintenance until they grow up. Mine is 5 now, and while usually a gentleman, he is highly predatory. He could easily make it on his own in the wilds of AK.
This is him:

Go do your bicep curls, suckers. I'll be over here carrying 5-gallon buckets of water until my forearms look like Popeye's. Look out, babes!

My sister and her fiance just adopted their second pitbull today. Her name is Gladys.

How can you not have a crush on a genius, yet self-effacing, Egyptologist that saves an entire planet?!

That's because a different part of the brain "stores" music than language, so if the language center of the brain is damaged people are still able to sing.

I suppose if the Stargate led me to this guy then I'd probably want those coordinates as well:

Maybe I'm just feeling cynical this morning, but to me this reads like an attempt to keep cashing in on women's sexual insecurities now that we're at the point of empowering women to pleasure themselves (well, starting to, anyway). Like, "oh, anyone can come, but can you FOURTH LEVEL POWERSLAM ULTRA PLEASUREDOME

Team Dad. Good for him!

This And I would have done the same thing for my sister.

not that much retouching. i'm a photographer and that's basically how much i'd do.

Adobe sheds a single tear?

What in the fuck? I've lost 70 pounds since February 2012 and I'm FUCKING PROUD of that. It took hard work and dedication and I feel good because I'm way healthier now and have a better relationship with food. I took pictures every month to document my weight loss and when I get to my final weight, you better believe