
I'm crying I'm laughing so hard. At least you got a good story out of it!

Anyone who says that combating climate change is bad for the economy is stupid. I mean totally, fucking stupid. Or completely in the pocket of at least one very large corporation and completely against small businesses. Technology advances the economy, not the other way around.

Because I'm also looking elsewhere to avoid the depressing nature of this, that is also a great shot of airglow.

I regret to inform you that there isn't really any state in the US that has such a well-developed educational standard for science... or any subject for that matter. They were bad and incredibly vague before Common Core, but now in order to get federal funding by getting higher test scores each year, states usually

Yes, and being force fed wild boar by my father is the reason the smell of pork chops and ham makes me sick to my stomach.

I just realized that Mugatu would be the perfect Capital citizen, both in attitude and look.

Once the light is aimed properly through the reflector, it should not blind you. The problem is that (at least in the beginning) most of these HID lamps were getting installed as retrofits by bozo's who didn't know how important placement inside the reflector is.

Also nice is that the light's color temperature will be between 5500 and 6000 Kelvin. For comparison, natural daylight is usually estimated at about 6500 Kelvin.

I need this book. Thanks.

Every time I hear that someone got judged at the gym, I want to go bust in that asshole's face. I'm not good in crowds, so the gym can be very intimidating to me - weight aside. I'm lucky enough to have some expendable income, so I signed up for regular training at my local gym for a period of time. I learned more

I really don't see this happening. It's practically a duopoly as it is. At least... I hope no judge would be OK with this. It would be a flagrant ignoring of our anti-trust laws.

Even Dolly Parton loves this version. She said she almost had a wreck the first time she heard it on the radio. It's amazing.

I have 50 Pinterest boards. 15 are not home or house related and many of those have the least amount of pins on them. Choosing one house crush would be absurd. ;-)

Ha, I grew up with five siblings and an Australian shepherd. There was a lot of child-herding going on while I was growing up.

Hmm... yeah I could do one as a small dz owner. I never thought of that. But I'm a silent (majority) partner (my dad is the other one) and I haven't jumped for a long time. I do miss it a lot, though. Come to think of it, my dad would be awesome at an AMA on doing a tandem.

As a drop zone owner and friend to many a base jumpers, her description is more spot-on than I feel comfortable thinking about for too long. However, I think reflection is something you can't afford in BASE because everything happens too fast, so it wouldn't attract those type of people. That highline takes a long


Someone please, for the love of all things holy and adorable, dub this over that video!

It's really comforting to know I'm not the only one who had a crush on Dr. Daniel Jackson.