
What’s with the spoons. And the pseudo laboratory equipment.

Except “youre” is easily distinguishable from “your” without punctuation.


Quality post.

Where are you guys finding Trump supporters in real life? I live in Texas and work with extremely conservative & religious people everyday. I haven’t heard a single positive thing about Trump from anyone, ever.

Could it be? An opportunity for the elusive Jalopzebel crossover?

Re: How can gun deaths = car deaths?

Somebody was confused by the Times’ chart: it’s 31.2 deaths per million people per year. Assuming 27 deaths/day and a U.S. pop. of ~324 million:


When this story broke, I wondered, “what is the NRA’s token reasoning against assault weapon bans?”

I prefer my nutters buttered.

I’m starting to think that the patrons of Gentleman’s Clubs aren’t gentlemen at all.

Is that a toxic sludge factory?

Ice cold.

Lin-Manuel Miranda seems insufferable.

Don’t make this about sexism.

I don’t believe that any elementary school-aged human being enjoyed the taste of beer.

That professor is such a fucking hipster