Until you can find me a noble pine made of tinsel, my tacky ass will stick with the fake ones.
Until you can find me a noble pine made of tinsel, my tacky ass will stick with the fake ones.
Up until a few months ago, I was pretty active on a bunch of Facebook groups and I found myself being - for lack of a better term - a raging bitch. The sheer stupidity of people, the endless onslaught of click bait, the goddamned MLM/pyramid scheme bullshit, every negative facet of human existence distilled into a…
Despite its porno factor, you can tweak the mod to be more realistic through the in game settings. It’s not quite 100% organic, but it definitely helps. Check out those settings, Gita!
I contemplated suicide at 12 because of bullying. I got the idea from movies and TV, plus several people in my family had taken their lives. Kids soak things up like a sponge, for better or worse.
Childfree lady rant ahead: why is this jerkface trying to schlep parenting duties of teenagers onto someone who has voluntarily chosen to not procreate? Anyone could look at that situation and deduce that said childfree person a.) most likely does not like children b.) has little experience and c.) is not a fucking…
So what you’re saying is I don’t have to fast-forward through all the malarkey? Excellent.
So free speech protects neo-nazis, but not people who want to drive around with offensive bumper stickers?
As a fellow Oregonian, you can drink your day-old bathwater branded as “beer” if you’d like. I’ll stick to stout, at God intended.
I have to admit that “cityfolk” raising chickens amuses me greatly. I hear all these stories about people treating their chickens like pets, keeping non-laying hens, and frantically searching for homes for their chicks that turn out to be roosters because they can’t stand the idea of someone eating a bird they named.…
I feel like there needs to be a follow-up article for myths about LGBTQ+ people. Cause let me tell ya about the idiotic things straight people assume I’m into because I’m bi.
I’ve almost always known when someone was cheating on me. Folks tend to have certain tells that tipped me off.
The British already answered this for you: http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20171003-millennials-are-the-generation-thats-fun-to-hate
I am lactose-intolerant and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received misplaced anti-vegan weirdness. It’s bizarre as hell.
America: where getting nostalgic about traitors who owned people and crying “you can’t erase history” while erasing history is somehow patriotic.
You can find out the mailing address of anyone though the county assessment and taxation folks (well, in my state at least). It’s all public record, albeit you gotta be a pretty dedicated asshole to look up all that from scratch.
Ruining the English language one autocorrect incident at a time, yo.
I’m a kid-hating, childfree millennial slowly destroying the universe with my avocado toast and refusal to procreate, but if you show up on my doorstep on Halloween your ass is getting candy. I don’t care if your 1 or 85.
“ratio of ⅔ fresh butter to ⅓ infused butter”
That was quite possibly the most well deserved star I’ve ever given.
Seriously. If my friends are trying to persuade me by example, that plan backfired spectacularly.