That is very rude to E.T.
That is very rude to E.T.
In other words, she should know better but she doesn’t. Meanwhile, the far less educated and less well off guy in the comments section (who would have been considered trailer park trash himself a few years ago) is the bad guy.
Or you’re just attacking poor people by assuming that they all live in trailer parks.
You can take the person trash out of Fox News the trailer park, but you can’t take the Fox News trailer park out of the person trash.
I came here to make sure this reference was made, and I can now leave satisfied.
Good to see Hue Jackson back on the “Fire This Asshole!” list...WHERE HE BELONGS.
Today I learned that not only is Yahoo Mail still a thing, it has an Android app.
Fixed your headline for ya.
Nope; it was castrated years ago.
How about the first few minutes of the press conference on ESPN2? The camera operator clearly had no clue that their camera was being taken for the live feed, so there were constant zoom ins and zoom outs from the podium, along with closeups of various people in the crowd.
Bristol tried their best to cover it up with…
But at least there won’t be any new episodes to have to worry about.
Our long national nightmare will soon be over.
If you don’t want to end up crying in your dressing room, stop co-starring in shitty movies with shittier prop comics. Problem solved.
If a little dose of reality is enough to twist this bitch’s tit, a little time in a white collar lockup would send her into a nervous breakdown.
Interesting fact about the Dragon: it (and everything else on that gameboard) was generated by an Altair 8800 computer programmed using BASIC and outputting to a bank of nine Apple II monitors. It was the first game show to use computer-generated graphics.
Nah; he got fired for going on a racist rant in the middle of the newsroom.
Though I’m not a regular contributor to Splinter’s comments, I may have to become one based on the fact that this headline is along the same lines of my tweet:
And some dry white toast, please.
Farther than your paycheck.