
Fuck this shitbag. He needs a colonoscopy performed with the business end of a 20 gauge shotgun.

The AV Club:

And she's forced to wear the A for the remainder of her days.

Thanks for taking time out from masturbating to Ren & Stimpy's Adult Cartoon Party to post this.

Anyone care to join me in the singing of the Anvilania national anthem?

-Sit back
-Laugh 'til you collapse

They're good tweets, tinyranobunny

14/10 h*ckin' good burn

More White Power?

Gratuitous Shaving is the name of my Foo Fighters cover band.

I do too. What would Mr. Tony be if he didn’t have something to kvetch about?

Add Jay Crawford to the list.

And upsetting Kornheiser with her fashion choices.

"Joanie Haunts Chachi"

There better be a story about Bumblebee forgetting to lock the bathroom door and being found in a compromising position with a can of Bondo and an angle grinder.

And the chili peppers burn yer gut.

Moon rock? Oh, wow!

Have you signed Shari's birthday card?

Mel Tormé AND Romulans! And GIGANTOR!!!!

Even with Joe Don Baker, I can't stand all the Triangle Council propaganda that was woven into the movie.