Yeah that’s fucked up, and why I get pissed when co-workers or acquaintances try to tell me white privilege isn’t real.
Yeah that’s fucked up, and why I get pissed when co-workers or acquaintances try to tell me white privilege isn’t real.
Whoa, I assumed all judges had to have law degrees, stupid me, apparently 22 states don’t have that requirement, at least for misdemeanor cases.
Yeah Trump reminds me of a really sleazy used car salesman, and nothing with a brain could really interpret him.
Great now I’m probably on some FBI watchlist, but yeah I see Ivanka and Trump are first photo for hebephilia search. Also according to google trends for the last 12 months people in the District of Columbia search google for “hebephilia” at a considerably higher rate than the rest of the country.
I’m in Oregon love my Mountain Dew, especially now that it comes in orange and grape flavor. Hard to find fruity flavored sodas with a bunch of caffeine. Granted some co-workers and friends do mock me for drinking Mountain Dew, and I know it’s horrible for you like all sugery soda.
lol, good point. Apparently there is only 1 black full-time Nascar driver, and he’s the first one in Nascar’s top level since 1971. . .
Eh, he’s 7 years old, the meat would be pretty tough and gamey, probably only good for stew. Though after looking it up, apparently aging the meat from older animals can make it much more tender.
As far as I can tell their judgments were “vacated” meaning voided. They are both suing the police department, but apparently the Haitian man is still prevented from entering the US due to the arrest and conviction, I’m not sure why if the conviction was vacated.
Amen, the Haitian man he framed spent 5 years in prison before being deported. A 3 year sentence is a fucking joke, especially for someone “put in charge of the safety and lives of others” as you say.
Lucy looks a lot like BBQ Becky to me. . .
Who will watch Nascar if all the white people die?
At this rate, I predict Honey Boo Boo will be president in 2040 . . .
Trump didn’t even bother to “study up and prep” and a large minority of voters were perfectly fine with that.
Well at least if things get tough we can make $8 driving for Uber . . . freedom yo!
I just pretend to have a sudden attack of diarrhea, then go to the nearest bathroom to google the answer, 20+ bathroom trips is a little awkward on dates, but I’d much rather people think I’m horribly ill than ignorant.
It’s about time he changed his stage name to Old Man who doesn’t Rock
Considering sausage pizza that has been left out all night never hurt me, I’d risk eating sausage patties that has been at room temperature a few hours.
Adultery is pretty darn minor, compared to say siding with white nationalists and an administration that separates brown children from their parents and sticks them in prison camps. Granted, Clinton did plenty of things that do make me want to remove his name from buildings, but I could not give a fuck about adultery,…