
Coupled with the fact that every time they go to a firing range or shoot their precious guns they are experiencing lead poisoning.

I’ve tried. They bitch and moan about friends lists, or other features of steam they think are important. And i’m over here, like you, wondering what the big deal is.

“flawless" perhaps in that he isn't dead, but still mind-bendingly shit stupid. 

Nothing generates clickthrough like the wet crunch of a toddler's skull against the bumper of a Scion!

A word of advice, no one else likes when you play devil's advocate.

In actual seriousness, I never turn my phone on airplane mode (because not using it doesn’t actually fucking interfere with the plane at all) and I’ll get the random odd text or WhatsApp message while I’m at full cruising altitude over the middle of the Atlantic, it’s really weird

Search and Rescue helicopter pilot guy here. In case any of you are wondering if this will happen to you after falling off a cliff face or something and needing an airlift, it won’t if they do their jobs right. In the organization I fly with you have to use a line attached to the litter that’s held by a member of the

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Better or worse than getting punched out by a 72 year old astronaut?

Don’t sweat it, man, the housekeeper has been rejecting my advances too.

It should be an easy decision once you realize depriving felons of the right to vote gives the state an incentive to convict and incarcerate its political rivals.

That’s nutty, even just viewing it the speed of how quick they can attack

Spent several years as a zookeeper working with these things. Easily the most terrifying animal I was around. Even walking along side their cage, they would routinely jump up and strike out with their feet.

So you can imagine my caution when I finally made it to Australia and went for what I was hoping several hours

I’m glad 53% of white women, republicans, and centrist ensured that the pizza child stealing, false flagging, concentration camp building, dictatorship creating party were out of office so that the ACTUAL child stealing, false flagging, concentration camp building, dictatorship creating white nationalists were in

The key there is “THROUGH THE DENSE FOREST”. Imagine if one of those bastards decides to chase you through an open field?!

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I mentioned it once before on The Root, but it is worth mentioning how dangerous these birds really are and how seriously they are taken.

He knew the rabbit had it all in hand. What kills me is the chest bump at the end with the other guy.

Ok Great you fired a few of them? What else are you doing? This is not a few bad apples this is f*cking pervasive!!!

Straws can help avoid staining your teeth.

Straws can help avoid staining your teeth.

Plastic straws are dumb.

Plastic straws are dumb.

And that's why you wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming.