Yeah I keep that Preacher image on my desktop. :-) Not that good looking white supremacists are be any better, but they often look so fugly, especially at the rallies.
Yeah I keep that Preacher image on my desktop. :-) Not that good looking white supremacists are be any better, but they often look so fugly, especially at the rallies.
Generations of incest do tend to take their toll on “the master race”
I think more than anything that speaks volumes about how awful other prison programs are, and also as Raineyb1013 wrote: “using slave labor depresses wages for people who still have to pay for their food and housing”
Yeah those gofundme campaigns for racists suck, I think a blatant bigot has finally been knocked down a peg, losing their job or business, but then they get $200k or whatever on gofundme from other racists.
lol, I know, never been much of a fan of Pokemon, would occasionally watch the cartoon when nothing better was on, but this actually looks pretty fun.
Yeah sorry, that was just a bad attempt at satire on my part, since many liberal white people want to be seen as “woke” without doing anything to make a difference. We’re often self-righteous without any good reason. All the ‘BBQ Becky’ type videos being posted lately are pretty eye opening though. I hope it makes…
I’m a straight white male liberal, please be my friend, I don’t want sex with you, just say something nice about me sometimes, please?
It would be interesting predictable to see how the NRA and other “guns rights” white people would react if non-white people just starting buying record numbers of guns. . . Oh yeah the NRA actually supported the gun control act of 1968 when they thought too many non-white people were buying guns. . .
Yeah mine is supposed to be around the same, but we’ll see, not worth all the extra national debt, and everything else Trump’s repugs have done.
Yes indeed, happy to see Stacey Abrams fighting, 75k votes is not a big difference especially considering the voter suppression. Kemp is a POS.
Unless you know a lot of millionaires on Facebook, I doubt you’ll see much in the way of actual tax cut amounts. I do remember getting a $300 tax rebate during the Bush administration, around enough for a year’s supply of toilet paper. . .
Yeah Trump’s constant fear-mongering about the caravan of desperate women and children that might reach our border in a few weeks makes that about as obvious as it could possibly be.
Well put. Reading about Stacey Abrams more I discovered she prevented a tax increase on cable service, which Republicans promoted as a tax break, as they tend to do, it increased taxes on 82% of Georgians, and was she was credited by TIME magazine, “can credibly boast of having single-handedly stopped the largest tax…
Grew up in Arizona, and remember being mocked by friends for using “big words” like “conspicuous” when I was a young teen.
“They should play Nugent at the rallies. They deserve the punishment of having to listen to that shitty music.”
I really hope she wins, and that Georgia has a good security escort team for their Governor.
My sister refuses to talk to or be around our step-brother since he went full Trump supporter, and kept making racist rants on Facebook and in person.
“Yell at him at his office and shit-disturb there. Flood his offices with faxes and phone calls.”
Me fix so few hard words you read.