
As an aside, I am thoroughly enjoying Tara Strong doing a perfect Kristen Chenoweth here. 

Military-grade flair:

And they just said a couple of days ago that Jameela Jameel (I think) will be playing Titania on She-Hulk! Owen and Titania got romantically involved in the original Secret Wars series!

one small American town is displaced, bulldozed, and converted to a garbage dump”

I used to know a DJ who threatened to play all those songs (and many more) in a row and call it the Jailbait Jamboree Show.

Accurate for a period piece, though. In my late 70s high school years I knew one girl who totalled -four- first gen Mustangs.

So do Bernie shirts on Ivy Leaguers. 

When a Republican took office.

Scrolled down for this, leaving satisfied.

Only 928 I’m interested in:

Well, I’ve been saying for years, here on io9 and on other sites, that GoT and Westworld were part of a plan by HBO to see if they could make rape work as entertainment. I see nothing here to change my view.

Signed First Edition copy of Dianetics.

Here’s a worst-but-actually-best:

And to think I used to -jokingly- say that The Handmaid’s Tale was just The Turner Diaries for girls...

Oh is THAT it?  I've been trying to figure out why on Earth someone would link a valve to the internet.  Thanks!

That's so it won't overheat, silly!

Nope. No one in the Midwest is panicking— until tomorrow, after Governor Gretch shuts down Line 5, which supplies the Midwest and Canada.