
I like the idea of canned gods.  I'll take a dozen Athenas with pull-tabs, please.

And we have another pipeline shutdown coming in about 15 hours. Michigan Governor Whitmer has ordered Line 5 to shut down at midnight tonight. Since the line runs through and supplies several midwest states and Canada, her right to give orders is somewhat unclear due to that pesky interstate commerce clause and an

What I don’t get is why pipeline controls are linked to the internet AT ALL. Sure, do email and payroll and all the other stuff large companies need, but why are functional controls web-based?  Efficiency?  How efficient  is it now? 


Wow! Two GREAT calls!

Another paralell is that Wanda didn’t get a cameo from Benedict Cumberbatch, and Rebecca didn’t get a cameo from Josh Groban.

Nice parallel. And one of the all-time great TV shows to boot. If you don’t agree-

Visitors don't get subsidized student loans to cover their parking.

That’s what keys are for.

So if Biden forgives student loans, I'm basically paying for parking?

My nipples explode with delight!

Also aesthetically acceptable:

I never understood that. The openings were already there and the mounting holes were pre-drilled!

Don't be a Hilton. 

Walker works better as a potential hero who failed than as a "villian".

Shoulda stuck with the practical effects?

Thank you! I didn’t see it under all the ads and links to other articles. I thought it was kinda short!

That one already happened. Keep up.

It also has to rise to the surface.