
On the other end of the unsatisfying scale, a song like “Satellite Skin” was just not weird enough. It’s a good song, pleasant enough, but sounds like something Isaac Brock could’ve written after rolling out of bed. There’s nothing particularly interesting about it, even though if another band made it I probably would

Mumford, Sons, Nash & Menudo.

It was white people, no matter what they called their party at the time.

I fear it might catch on.

Hmm, blog-rock is not a promising term.

And Elvis stole only eight-part medieval plainsong.

It should have been phrased “inexplicably British Americana band.” Because it’s a *very* American style of folk they’re doing.

Remember: Carbona, not glue

Always a good reminder that preferring David Lee Roth era VH over Van Hagar is the right take to have if you also aren’t constantly touring with David Lee Roth.

I hear that.

That is actually true of most modern pop starlets. The way the industry works nowadays, they have no interest in developing what they see as disposable talent. Taylor Swift’s father was an investor in the record company, Katy Perry was riding around in a several hundred thousand dollar tour bus before anyone knew her

Holy shit, you guys have terrible taste in music.

Every heard of The Shaggs?

I'm waiting for the Switch to drop in price and my son to get a little more mature. I'm not sure either one is going to happen though. 

I wonder if Nintendo remembered it was Metroid’s 35th anniversary and commemorated thusly.

She only played on 7 of the ten albums. That’s not so many. It’s not like she completely re-defined the aesthetic of the band when she joined.

FWIW, most of the “defenders” I run into are reasonable people who ::wank gesture:: at the dumber shit he says, and view it as just light entertainment.

I stopped reading at “seapunk”.

you’re both living charmed lives for very different reasons