
One word!! Madmartigan! He’s not the mad martiganner of people, his name is fucking Madmartigan!

Weezer leaning heavily into radio friendly pop the last five years???  What in the actual FUCK do you think Weezer has ever done that wasn't fucking pop?  Ric Ocasek made them into the goddamn Distorted Guitar Cars!  And it was alright for a bit!  Pretty good even maybe!  But it was goddamn POP.  So were The Cars.  A

Are you sure you don’t just truly hate Come And Get It by Badfinger, and it all started there? That would be understandable.

Truly the Hollywood equivalent of not being a lawyer and agreeing to head up the legal efforts of Donald Trump trying to invalidate an election.  

fuck! of course! And speaking of collectives, I forgot fucking Broken Social Scene.  Geesh. 

I can't believe the high-waisted pants look came back.  It looks somewhere between uncomfortable and girdle-uncomfortable to me.  

I like later Arcade Fire better. And you leave out The Hives, Interpol and Bloc Party? The hell?  TV on the Radio?  Yeah fucking Yeah Yeahs?  All far superior to the Killers.  

It’s great for many reasons. But it does lack a bit of the other albums’ aggressiveness. Lampshades is a nice single, but there’s nothing on the album that quite rocks like Spitting Venom, Invisible, or Education.

There's an O in James O'Queef. 

There’s a live version of Cocaine popularly circulated on radio, and it basically bears the guitar solo equivalent of that statement. I guess the actual statement is more awful than the guitar solo, but that’s really, really saying something.

I hope you include Ansel and Pups To Dust in the great ones. That was the thing about Strangers to me. The more melancholy tracks worked best for me. We Were Dead had both. I loved People As Places As People on the melancholy side, but the rockers were also killer. Strangers never really rocked out full steam. Not

It might be the best song ever about taking a shit, even.  

Hey, nearly everybody under 28 here. In this clip, noted target of virtue-signaling Eddie Murphy was praised as “brilliant” by another talent by the name of Boy George. History (like older media works) has lots of this shit called “context”.

Well, at least she didn’t cover herself head to toe in stupid tattoos. Have we as a society finally reached Peak Tattoo?

I think Under The Pink and Boys For Pele are in my top 50 albums, and Little Earthquakes and From The Choirgirl Hotel are in the next 50. Should I bother, as a bigger fan than you?

If Janet Weiss had left Sleater-Kinney after any other album than The Center Won't Hold, I would have cried tears.  As it were, what would you expect?   I can't believe Matt Tong stuck with Bloc Party as long as he did.  

He might be the producer of his generation! ..or, A producer, in.. A generation..

Her 2012 album was praised to high heaven. 9.x on Pitchfork I’m pretty sure. So I tried it out a few months ago.

God, what Mononym isn't?  That girl Halsey, maybe?

This is one of the least offensive things about Amoral Man-baby Mob Boss that I've ever clicked on.