I did not like Cah-vay Dwellers at all.
I did not like Cah-vay Dwellers at all.
It was like watching the wheels come off. At the end of Phantom, it was, hoo boy, I guess there was some fun in it, pod race, Saber battle, but they kill the villain, but something is definitely wrong with the dialog and storytelling.. then by the end of Attack Of The Clones.. I was one of many there in the theater…
Well, in Britney’s case.. no, fair enough. also probably not. She probably enjoyed that part of being livestock in an industry. Her cross is a little more thorny, though.
I'm going to have to rewatch and grade the helicopter and 18-wheeler accidents before I can agree with you.
That photo posted by BreadnMaters does resemble a pig in a cage on antibiotics.
Wake you in 2024? Don’t worry. I’m sure the noise of the shitshow that will be the race for the Republican nomination will do it for you.
Season 4 was the last great season, and it definitely had some duds. The Pam Drifting episode was definitely the first BAD episode of Archer.
I have heard 3 Drake songs, I had no idea all 3 initial listens that it was him, and I absolutely hated them all, he’s a Canadian Hip-hop Kid Rock to me. Something about Control-la, and right foot slide, basically slide, fuck you, dude. Lazy ass entitled shit-ass. Go rap in a Sprite commercial, that’s what you were…
I made it halfway through. Blecch. I really liked Masseduction. Not going back for the second half. I hope you’re right.
But what about all the women that -unknowingly- ended up with Nikki Syxx’s herpes? You know there’s a few.
Thanks, I just figured something out. Iliza Schleshwhatever is totally a female Dane Cook. I could not figure out what kind of human would think she was funny. Dane Cook fans! I conveniently forgot there were once millions of those.
It translates no other way. Perfect.
Hayes had a large stroke before the condemnation that was issued, and it has been suggested that the "Church" was largely responsible for the statement, rather than Hayes himself. And not long after the episode aired, Mr. Hayes left us for good.
Weaponizing indifference. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
I suppose they get some of that right. But they get very wrong one of my favorite aspects of watching matches. Selling. I love all kinds of selling. HBK vs Hogan. Hilarious. Flair’s face plants. His top turnbuckle spots. Curt Hennig was probably my favorite. I LOVED Paige’s short career. She’d throw a headbutt and…
Sounds like a hot mess. In fact, it sounds almost as bad as AEW.
Geesh, Rivers Cuomo Rivers Cuomo Rivers Cuomo.
It'll be tagging with the Gobbledygooker within weeks.
The product is horse shit from what little I’ve sampled. They can’t get out of their own way to make stars, they won’t let the talent be themselves, and they don’t listen to the audience. It took them 6 years and a pandemic shutting the live events down for them to finally turn a guy the fans rejected from good to…
I don't like the lyrics, her voice, and those hideous high-waisted pants. I want to like it otherwise. I'll give them a chance if I hear one clever lyric from them.