
I clicked on this for more or less that exact purpose, thinking “hmm I bet Miranda didn’t actually say Latinx” so... mission accomplished I guess

They don’t care. White people are so far up their own ass they feel it is their God-given right to determine what is cultural appropriation and what isn’t. A recent poll by a liberal-leaning thinktank showed that 98% of Latinos prefer Latino or Latina over Latinx. Doesn’t matter to white people because that conflicts

I would genuinely like him to know how Joan of Arc felt

Rebels Without Applesauce

Wait wait wait, he spouted racist crap on the Tonight Show? How’d that go?

MORRISSEY: Immigrants are taking our jobs.
JIMMY FALLON: *laughs uncontrollably*

$100 pretend dollars to anyone who reveals LMM’s Kinja alias.

There was a moment in the late-ish 80s where if you were a shy, small town teenage misfit boy The Smiths, and Morrissey himself, were an absolute cultural liferaft.

At risk of starting a “thing”, the exact quote was “Latino movie stars.” Not “Latinx”.

I don’t know why I give Morrissey my valuable time when I’d much rather kick him in the eye.

My question is: Do you use the same plates for eating the flesh of children under 7 as you do for children over the age of 7, or is there some biblical rule that says you need to buy more plates?

He really hasn’t ever been in a position to impeach Trump. He was out of congress by the time Trump was an elected official. Also the impeachment charges where based almost exclusively on Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine, and inciting an insurrection (which Trump prevailed on both). Trump’s racism had no direct link to

I don’t rag on Chris Pratt. I do not expect actors to dictate my feelings on political issues. 

Now you know why he doesn’t have much money.

You said: Goes to often
I heard: Goes to too often

It’s true what they say, men are from Omicron Persei VII, women are from Omicron Persei IX.

Rest assured, the last president did ask, after asking for a Diet Coke first.

Wow, it’s really really hard not to laugh at this. Soylent Green, you evil sonofabitch. Are you even people?

(into outer space)

Los Locos should kick this guys’ ass!

If you have a problem with me getting excited about manual minivans, then I have bad news: That’s how it is, and how it’s gonna be from now until the end of time.

And there’s more manual minivan content coming. LOTS MORE.

Luckily, the vast majority of readers are with me, though do understand that I respect the fact