
I may have sexual issues, depending on whom you ask, but I did not call myself a genius. I'm just a guy who likes to laugh mainly. 

I would go a step further and suggest that the SOAD debut album was the best heavy metal album since ..And Justice For All.

Sorry, Barsanti, but when you have the body of work that CK has, I don’t think he will fade into obscurity. Geniuses often have issues and oftentimes they’re sexual in nature. He’s not fucking Roman Polanski, Bill Cosby, etc. either. He didn’t drug anybody, he didn't force anybody to do anything.  He had two daughters

Oh my gawd.  A measured, considerate take.  You don't belong here.  

No books, no daydreaming, no drugs, absolutely no TV. Everything must be visceral.  And you must listen to and enjoy Minor Threat.

Far too offensive for these times, regrettably.  But that doesn't stop me from playing The HIV Song on a super-search juke box at a bar.  

Eh, while Genesis certainly would be an influence on the NiN sound, I'd say NiN has considerably better Metal cred than a song about getting your asshole waxed.

Probably one of Big Boi's new AKAs.

umm.. “March Of The Pigs” is about as Metal as anything I’ve ever heard. “Wish” is as well. People can definitely disagree on what is definitive Heavy Metal, though. My gold standard would be the first four Metallica albums.

C'mon, when you can write a lyric like "I'm hollin' 1 8 7 with my dick in ya mouth, beeyatch", you belong in a very special class.

Wow.  Quite a story, that guy.  I don't know why I'm still surprised when religious fundamentalism and overt racism overlap in cultural/political figureheads. 

Jimmy Eat World was one of the only guitar bands that could possibly stand the test of time of that era, in that they were commercially successful and not utterly derivative, throwaway, and uninspired. Papa Roach is C grade shit of that era. Still very formulaic.  System Of A Down was the only consistently good

Let's go to the Zoom and watch the monkeys do it!!

Indeed.  Which made me cream in my jeans.   But That's Armageddon! may be the superior film.  

Evenflow is literally Paradise City dressed in flannel. And Pearl Jam was the grunge band that filled in the gap for future Dave Matthews Band fans. Yecch.

No, but Kid Rock is.

James Beauregard Crow

Well, to be fair, the "gates" are a larger portion of the revenue for owners than it is for players, and these plans to have sporting events are going to go on under at least severely reduced "gates".  

Well, Stankonia was such a long time ago..

Junior's makin' a move!