
Trent grew up in Cleveland and worked really hard after he ripped off Skinny Puppy a few times to forge a great musical identity and a cross-genre career.  Dude has plenty of dedication. You, however, had to have some entitlement to be able to craft your perfect Angry Lesbian avatar, which I love. Keep posting,

I'm not sure how it will fare with today's twenty-somethings, but goddamn if TV Funhouse's 8-show run on Comedy Central in 2000(?) wasn't the tits at the time.  Too offensive for today, I surmise.

Oh, just the usual child denial and hooker issues of any celebrity, I suppose. I love me some Eddie Murphy. Delirious is one of the greatest hours of standup there is, if not the best. I dare say it helped gay acceptance in 1983. which he probably undid with Raw in 1987, but oh well. The SNL return was good.  I was a

And it wasn’t an attack! It was a statement of a fact (he is indeed in jail) and an impression!

I took a poll last night that was asking if I thought that some intern overreacted by filing a formal complaint about being told “Merry Christmas” by Whitney Cummings. 95 percent said yes, while 4 percent said absolutely not. So even IF those 4 percent are waging “War on Christmas”... there is no stupid “War on

Okay, it already reeked of Tim & Eric, then you add “SPIRITUAL MILK” and that vacuous stare, and now you can’t tell me they weren’t involved. Through the ether, if not directly.

[in my mother's voice] Strongest muscle, dear.  Not biggest.  

Mister Rimjob's Neighborwood wore you out too, huh?

Ooh, she started singing lessons at age 4, and her father groomed her for stardom all her life?  And she was shy at one point, and her first foray into the music industry flopped?   What an inspiring story.  Fascinating.  

It's a put-on.

I guess not enough parents got their kids into it.  I enjoyed what little of the revival I was able to watch (2.5 episodes?), but this MST 90s nerd just had kids in his late 30s and I'll be damned if I can find time to watch a real movie, let alone a MST.  Someday, if I make it into my 60s maybe.  

Good to know American Dad! fans still suck.  

yeah, even Loder's input wasn't boomer, it was Greatest Generation.

Because he was a minor celebrity.  Because his affectation of gay tolerance maybe added to the conversation. And because kwitcherbitchin. 

I’m pretty sure you can punch down in a clever way and be funny. It’s called a joke. Sometimes it’s called a punch line. It doesn’t make a comedian Hitler automatically if they mine that territory. If the punch line involves shitty behavior or perceived shitty opinions, maybe there’s a greater good at work.

Should have capitalized ALL for melodramatic purposes.  Also should have realized that there's a lot of the people I attempted to satirize lingering around here.   

I fucking love “Down In It”, and I always have, since I heard it four years too late in 1993, and I don’t care how much it rips off that Skinny Puppy song and makes it more palatable.  I don't know Tik Tok, I'm old.  Are there any Skinny Puppy Tik Toks?  That sounds like fun to me.  

These people exist? You sure they’re not Russian bots? Geezle. Shit, I’m from Kentucky, a moderate politically, and I’m glad Mitch McConnell gets shit on in public for being such a stooge. Fuck Weinstein, he deserves zero public freedom. He can afford to pay hookers to act out his stupid shit.

Always nice to see a Louis CK link at the bottom of a Weinstein story.  Because we all know that if Louis had a casting couch and the power Weinstein had, he would have acted just like Weinstein.  The sick fuck.  

It's good enough that I thought it was a Lindsey Buckingham song for a number of years.