
Man, there's gonna be some upheaval in Nashville this year.  

He is a scientist.  He seeks to understand.  A robot does not.  

Don’t forget squandering angles and talent that get over gangbusters like -currently- Elias, formerly Fandango, Daniel Bryan, etc while moon-pushing Roman Reigns through his vacuum of charisma.

Hell, Vince probably mulled over pulling another Wrestlemania 9, having Reigns come out and help Rollins after a loss, and beating a Lesnar challenge afterwards.  “Surely they won’t boo a guy battling cancer!”

Yeah, Oliver didn’t add much.  Dratch was funny.  “I’m not a douche!!  What if I really believe that dead people talk to me?”  “Then you’re a stupid douche.”

It’s not Whiskeytown, per se, but Gone For Good by The Shins will always be a favorite indie rock country-folkie tune of mine. Off a spectacular album as well.

Carlin said 68 was “you do me and I’ll owe you one”. And also that 71 was a 69 with two fingers up your ass.

I’m stuck remembering him as “the evil Prossor” from Warrior Of The Lost World, thanks to how good that MST3K was.  

it's not meant to be taken literally.

get a job, hippie.

Good list.  Thanks for getting back to form this year. Last year’s list was the worst I can remember. I depend on this every year, for I once had enough filthy minds adjacent to my life, for a number of years, even.  And now this year I turn 40.  Hmmph.

That’s not an art installation, that’s just lazy.  Lazier than Weezer’s cover.  

And soon enough, a group of bands will be in their By The Way phase.  Actually, do any rock bands have long careers now?  Is Jay-Z releasing his Voodoo Lounge soon?

There is nearly nothing else that Radiohead and Steve Miller Band have in common.  

She, or she and her handlers, are very mediocre songwriters, and rely on spectacle and song production gimmickry.  Applause is a catchy song, too bad it’s largely a lift from Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz.

Holy crap, I had close friends where this was literally the “movie of the apartment”, the most watched movie while they lived there, and I didn’t know it was a Rodriguez film. One of his better, by my estimate. But one of my least favorites by “movie of the apartment” standards. That’s a good list, though. Big

The way he stomped up those stairs with TP on his shoe made me think, more than anything in a long, long, time, that we're all being duped.  He's really THAT stupid?  He has to be part of the new cabal.  

As a longtime fan of Michael Ian Black, I was happy to see him have a job for even that long.  

That shit is bullshit!!

I don’t even know why I was worried that people might be here defending The Fugees. I knew Wyclef Jean was a talentless hack before that awful Carnival album rose to prominence. It was probably the worst period in popular music as a whole in history, between the third wave grunge rock and the boy bands.  Though it is