
I was going to say “by inventing PayPal”, but nevermind.

That’s hard to argue against from either side. Thats just logical. I don’t think Thom expected to set the world on fire with The Eraser, though I do like the album. It’s meandering at times. Good for him. Sometimes I think that one of my newer favorite Radiohead songs, Morning Mr. Magpie, sounds like Thom solo a bit,

I know it’s probably been said in the previous reviews, but I just can’t help but giggle about that they’re opening every episode with gunfire at the school, inside of the context of their traditional opening.  It’s because I shouldn’t laugh at it that I do laugh hopelessly, and that’s what is quintessential South

They were really unsure about Chef’s parents when they premiered them.  But yeah, then they brought them back twice, so nope, no real apology there haha

I really thought this article glossed over the Halloween aspect of this. If there’s a purpose, comedic or otherwise, to do a racial face, then that’s different than Halloween. Yeah, if you dress up like a caricature of a race for halloween, you’re an asshole. If you’re white, and you dress up like James Brown for

I’m offended by Dave Chappelle putting on white-face in Chappelle’s Show for his whitey news character.  Because it was a lot funnier when Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy did it.  Well, I'm actually more offended by how many white and black people thought it was hilarious.  It wasn't that good. 

Yeah, as blatant and awful as that is, you kinda expect it out of professional wrestling.  They rip everything off.  Now ESPN, they should have been decent enough to not rip their theme to Pardon The Interruption so blatantly off of Pavement’s “Cut Your Hair”.  

I guess Saudi Arabia Bone Saw got put in a few too many times. You people just couldn’t leave it alone..

Right around when the religious and non-religious right stole the victimhood from the left.  Wahh, burn my Nike, wahh, I won’t watch NFL now, wahh, Target is for lesbians, etc.

Matt Damon.

The PC Babies got really upset when you tacitly refused to use the proper term, “straw-person”. 

22 likes for a statement that contradicts itself.  Congratulations.  A show that has always had a stance you know about is a show that you haven't watched in years.  You must be pretty smart.

Truly the level of effort they are worthy of, much like Muddle of Pudd.  

Tom Hardy would be the kind of fella that would bring you a tuna melt croissant from Dunkin Donuts to breakfast in bed. That he may or may not have had handy. Yes, says male threatened by his rogueish good looks and popularity.

my point is that YOU don't have a point, you are trying to black-and-white two different issues and make them the same.  You're not wrong that some leftist idiots are up in arms over Cambridge Analytica without knowing what they're talking about.  But you're moving the goalpost by just saying its fueled by DJT

That’s such a reach.  People are angry about DJT and also the Facebook intrinsic flaws, and they’re related in some people’s minds.  I happen to accept how stupid all of the Cambridge Facebook stuff was, accept it, not worry about it too much, and still despise that wastehole that occupies the office for what he has

It certainly has.  At a certain point, hard-leftist people become so full of crap that they end up sounding right-wing authoritative in their own way.  The Safe Space and Bullying commentary on South Park has been some of my favorite stuff in recent years. 

That’s a pretty pronounced age difference. A high school senior dating an 8th grader. I guess you gotta draw the line somewhere, in legality, but that’s serious alarm bells.

pretty good, but as with anything, it could have been improved with some Fred Willard.

My infant daughter sleeps quite well to loops of music from FF8.