
I can't argue with that one, but I'll still say that John Lennon Plastic Ono Band is a better album than any album you could assemble from the entirety of Wings.  

This comment is enjoyable if read in your friend's Charles Barkley impersonation.  And useless otherwise.

Did you pick Scrappy-Doo as your avatar because of how universally he is hated?  By Scooby Doo fans and haters alike?  Good job.  

I'd wager a guess that Eminem has never truly been an enemy of gay people, and probably has had a very minimal negative impact with anything he has said, even with an insanely large swath of impressionable followers.  Barely worth mentioning, when people like Mike Pence, Jerry Falwell, and hell, even Lindsey Graham

I’ll step it back a couple notches and just say that it’s a lot of sensationalism and has gaping plot holes right in the center of its substance. Why did Edward Norton start talking friendly with the black guy in prison laundry?  It wasn’t explained, it just ‘happened’.

The recording and entertainment industry is terrible and I hate it, and Rivers Cuomo took those assholes for a ride with some very mediocre songwriting ability. Good for him. Matt Sharp maybe should have done the same.  Maybe there’d be a decent later era Weezer album if he stuck it out.

Or go back to being a cover band at Blah Blah Hill Tavern?

Well, he also said that Blur and Pulp stink, which pretty much invalidates his opinions on everything else musical.  He probably prefers Oasis to Radiohead also.

You have an alt station?  And they play this?  Yeesh, do they also play Imagine Dragons?  I heard their mainstream-as-possible garbage on an “alternative” station in Indianapolis.  I was sadly not too surprised.  

This is the least upset I’ve been with Lars Ulrich probably ever. But maybe I’m being presumptuous in assuming nobody really streams Reload and St. Anger.  

probably because of how long Final Fantasy games take. Does a cactuar show up in 15? I actually haven’t played since 10. Apologies from Left Field if you have no idea.

But..   go home is a command..

Three-piece 6.99!!

I believe they spell it with a U.  Edmund.  Gives it that guttural sound of a man committing hari-Kari. 

Shit, you don’t have to be moderate to detest Trump.  Popular wisdom suggests the Bushes would have preferred Hillary, for whatever reason.  If George W Bush is the new moderate, then.. Damn

didnt do it.  And boy does tgis syck. 

thank you for your service.  You never struck me as someone i was hoping would be under 25. 

I enjoyed The Dictator.  A good use of Anna Faris, for once.  Now, Brothers Grimsby.. Meh.

Dear God, really? They all sound like that ‘Controlla’ song, more or less? What the hell is wrong with people? Dear God that song is awful.  

‘Stereopathetic’ Soul Manure.  Beck at his worst still makes a lot of my favorite lyrics.  James Joyce, acid, Scientology.  I’m guessing.  Hopefully not much of the latter.