
I did enjoy the RE2 remake very much, but in my opinion, the Dead Space remake is the best survival horror game I’ve ever played. 

I cannot wait to get this installed, play around with the character creator for hours and then never actually play the game.

My advice going into GotG is to treat it more like a party-based RPG than a shooter. Yes, your character has guns and you aim and shoot them but they’re more for finishing enemies off than anything else. The bulk of your damage comes from combos with the rest of the squad. Your team is your primary weapon, not your

Hard disagree. It was one of the best games of 2022. 

I think the lack of support was because the game was not good, used obviously store bought assets, and was rampantly mocked by people that played it.

Wait, are you all suggesting that online popularity contests *aren’t* a good means of judging actual merit?


Lifelong fan of JRPG’s, never enjoyed the Persona series games because they always had you on a ticking clock which didnt give you time to take your time and explore properly.

Isn't that just Ready Player One?

These games weren’t announced as multiplatform and then made exclusive later.

Sony: Hey FTC MS is buying another major publisher.

That’s pretty much how I feel after sitting through one of his cutscenes.

Just play them when they come out on PC.

E3 has been irrelevant for years. I’d argue it died when they opened it to the general public. At that point, it became just another convention in a long list of conventions.

FYI the “random gibberish” they all spoke is a phonetic pangram, a sentence containing all the sounds from the english language (like the “quick brown fox...” contains all the letters, but for sounds)

The Game Awards is about Geoff Keighly’s ego, and very little else. 

I’m not normally one to get satisfaction out of stuff like this, killed me to see Cyberpunk at launch, but this shit? I’ve been waiting to see this dumpster fire, and it’s fucking glorious. 

They charge for yearly expansions (it is NOT a F2p game)

Bungie has proven they can’t handle Destiny so many times already. It really has been a franchise that’s full of issue. From Destiny 1 being a flop and dieing super quickly, to Destiny 2 being a total mess.

Confusing expansions, excessive amount of currencies and microtransactions. One of the worst crimes of all was

Seems incredibly shortsighted given that PC game sales were only about 15% below all COMBINED console sales last year.Let alone modded PC RP servers have been what’s keeping GTA online still relevant on Twitch.