
Yuhtunga Jungle and Yhoater jungle.. hellscapes I wouldn’t wish on anyone but my most mortal enemy. I remember looking at that.. “map” the first time and just thinking what depraved creature makes something like that.

I’m also completing most of the map objectives and finally reached Cosmo Canyon, I can hardly believe I’m relieved to get in a desert area. Gongaga was gorgeous but such a hell to navigate, having to try every damn mushroom to know where it leads was a chore and I’m probably not playing through that game again once

How does someone get so famous with such an awful fucking sociopathic fake smile?

My god... I hate this guy’s face so much.

Can I pay someone to stop putting this guys face in the thumbnails? I no longer wish to look at dead things.

After spending 20 some hours with the game, it’s pretty clear that Rebirth is just a bunch of minigames (and tasks, because Cloud is nothing but Chadley’s errand boy stuck doing repetitive tasks and chores pinpointed on a map in different areas) strung together and occasionally interrupted by actual plot, with zero

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

Looks like they took some tips from the Monster Hunter team

So, it’s just FMV...?

The cost is certainly a large part of it - when the US version of Persona 3 FES launched, it cost $30 and included both the enhanced edition of Persona 3 as well as The Answer expansion. By comparison, Reload costs $70 (although it is a full remake, there’s only two or three hours at best of actual new content), and

Enjoy what you like, but the writing and humor in the borderlands series is trash. “Lol random” humor had grown unbearable by the time the second game came out. Trash can be fun sometimes and games don’t need a good story to be good games. But will a film about games with a trash story be terrible? Of course it will.

Turning this into a live action movie instead of an animated show (or movie) makes absolutely ZERO sense to me, but I’ve long grown tired of the IP anyway. 

Tales of Arise has a slow start, especially in the plot department, but it’s surprisingly good and earnest. It’s definitely got a bit of anime cheese, but I was surprised at the types of mature themes and issues that the story was tackling and handling well for the most part.

I’m still baffled that Xbox PR bungled this all so badly just for a podcast announcement that could have literally been an email or Tweet.

...lucca from chrono trigger...

Look, I’m old.

Funny how much of a deal this site made about Hogwarts player count dropping by much less than this after 6 months yet when its a game you don’t have a hate-on for it you say it doesn’t matter. You cant have it both ways.

we found that games with LGBTQ characters or storylines account for less than 2% of all games”

For a good example of why Yellow Paint may be necessary, watch a Streamer play the We Sing level of Alan Wake 2.