
I think it’s more for the mogstore, a digital store were you can buy digital good like glamour outfit and special mounts, basically MTX store.

By requiring those coins to purchase anything, it ensures that Microsoft gets a portion of the profit even on digital goods, subscriptions and not just the original purchase of

I am sure that the person who designed Gongaga area is the same person that designed Yuhtunga Jungle in FFXI or the black shroud from FF14 1.0.

If you know what I’m talking about, those area where hell to navigate, they were maze like with no indication on the map if a path is block or not or if there’s a tunnel or

Prayer on Yuffie is pretty good, use it with doppelganger and it will double cast it. Second instance of Prayer from the clone will be weaker but it still pretty worth it, especially for a 2 ATB skill!

the problem is that at difficulty 7+ in like 5min you are already surrounded by 2 titans, and 6 or more chargers plus any smaller enemies. The railgun was just the only thing efficient at those difficulty.

I don’t think people would have been mad at those nerf if they would have brought the other guns to the same level

Dante is always in my heart since the first game!

More game needs to implement Shadow of the Tomb Raider customization of various puzzle settings like the paint highlights.

in that game you could make them more or less apparent and even turn them off all together.

I’m wondering if Microsoft/Xbox is now considering stopping making hardware consoles at this point and probably going forward with just like a streaming box for their gamepass subscriptions. If I remember right, I think Microsoft wants to bring Gamepass to other platforms. Seems like they want to focus more on the

Guess I’ll wait for the “whatever they are called now” “GOTY” version of the game for cheaper once this DLC is out.

What is funny about this one is that they went and make an even better critical and commercial success after buying themselves out of Square-Enix. haha

I just hope they will stop announcing game 10 years in advance...

Not Steam per say but PC:

Isn’t that just Ghostrunner gameplay? like almost exactly the same?

The only difference being that this is a shooter while Ghostrunner is melee.

Apparently this leak also mentions that Sony are the sole owner of the x-men IP for game media until 2035. Meaning you can’t expect any other x-men game other from the Sony one for the next 12 years.

The worse part is that there was a wave of account suspension going off yesterday on Art channel that properly labeled their content with this new policy. And now even thought they are reverting it, they somehow still enforcing the suspension on Art channel that were using it properly...

Yes it was probably what was use to test the facial animations using the MetaHuman system.

Which at this point in development might be the only thing they had to show lol

I expect them to give him some kind of tooth pick like they did inm Kingdom Hearts.

For once I think I agree with all of the winners!

guess I’m going to play in 2027 on PC then.

It’s a single player game...

Players buy game at launch, players play the game the following weeks, players finish said game in those following weeks, players move on to the next game to play...

I know this was said in the article but I don’t think there’s much else to say lol