
That’s plenty of time to generate more barren planets for players to walk around in and go “You know, I could be playing Baldur’s Gate 3 RIGHT NOW”

ALBW felt like a Zelda game though. The two Switch titles feel like sandbox games with a vaneer of Hyrule for me. Dungeons/shrines dont have the charm of past Zelda titles. Not a single one of them is memorable.

tbh I’m not convinced a few of the latest class of kotaku writer are even real.

It’s just stripping away little things. Little here, little there, and before you know it, it’s requiring minimal effort while still charging full prices.

the shuttering of their competitive league tells you everything you need to know about the playability of OW/OW2. Going from 6 to 5 and basically calling an update a new game was the nail in the coffin for me. 

“The astronauts weren’t bored when they went to the moon”

I’m not a streamer or influencer, and i found it boring not after playing all day for several weeks, but after less than 10 hours. And i’m not even a peripheral person to Bethesda games: I was a massive consumer of their stuff up to Oblivion.

A series with 2 entries and 3 remasters

Maybe? But I feel like they set themselves up for it. Microsoft literally described Starfield as one of the most important RPGs ever made, and then it barely even made the list of nominees. I think if they’re going to oversell it like that it’s fair to call them out.

Look, I don’t want to be annoying about it, but RE4 has no business being up for game of the year. It’s a fantastic facelife, but it isn’t a new game. The same goes for Deadspace (which, FWIW, I think was always a more interesting action horror game than RE4), and I’m glad that one didn’t get nominated.

Ma’am, it literally does something.

Bungie isn’t the “good guy” studio everyone thinks it is. So long as they have been working on Destiny they have been mildly shitty.

I get it. Spider-Man 2 is a great game, but 6 of your last 10 articles have been about this game. It’s beyond overkill. 

REALLY milking these Spiderman articles huh?

Because the very nature of this post is rooted in DISCUSSION, and it is a discussion in which 99.9% of people cannot participate. Most people won’t be able to contribute at this point, but would perhaps like to have this conversation once they reach the end of the game. By the time they do reach the end game and might

The game literally became available today for the public today - maybe wait a little before writing about the end of the game? Or are you guys really that hard up for content?

1 game selling well doesn’t prove anything. It needs to be consistent and it needs to not be widely available elsewhere. Let’s be honest, the Steam crowd isn’t going to jump ship to GamePass for 1 game.

... that plot point wasn’t scrapped. You literally launch the rocket at meteor.

Adding in a modular function probably accounts for the extra cost. True, it’s more expensive to buy a disc drive later, but it’s still better than trying to swap out your whole system if you change your mind. 

I’m just more baffled the vertical stand is a separate purchase now.