
I am struggling with this game. It is not a bad game by any measure. But it is not holding my attention nearly as much as Skyrim or Fallout 3/4. Even with my beast of a PC, the constant loading screens are just obnoxious and annoying. Who knows. Maybe I am just getting old. 

Guys, at the end of the day, the Switch is a handheld.  Don’t expect it to match up to other consoles/PC.

Seriously. I couldn’t help but think “Slow news day?”

That time a Kotaku editor discovered a lobby spawn point for the first time :p 

We really need to stop acting as if porting to a lower end console is somehow some low effort. It usually isn’t, and I’d argue that it takes a greater effort to work within the Switch’s limitations.  Because honestly, I see that vid and I’m more impressed at the technical wizardry to get it onto the switch in the

Even if they decide to completely scrap this inane idea, they’re screwed. Who would ever trust them after this?

Imagine being so fucking thin skinned that optional pronouns bother you enough to download a fucking mod. These are the same chodes that will, unironically, call everyone else snowflakes for shit. Fuck these children, and good on Nexus for not hosting such a childish, dumb fucking mod. 

Whetstones have been a thing in Monster Hunter since the beginning. This is nothing new

As a lawyer who works directly on SEC regulatory matters, I’ll briefly touch on the legality side. In 2000, the SEC introduced a new rule, Rule 10(b)5-1, which provides an “affirmative defense” against insider trading. It basically requires public company insiders (and everyone named in this article would be

You just had to fit Starfield into this one too, huh? 

They must have gotten bored being in a game as humorless and aggressively mid as Starfield :V

I think they regret getting into video games period. I think they utterly underestimated how much investment of time, money, and manpower video games are and how few people capable of successfully spearheading such operations at a AAA level there are in the world compared to...virtually any other business endeavor

(Admittedly, somewhat cynical) translation: I got my bag, and the longer this remains available for purchase, the more liable I am for the obvious and blatant copyright infringement the game made its fortune on.

Which, to be clear, I don’t really begrudge. I doubt this dude thought this game would ever have the

Whenever a corporate mouthpiece says: “It’s better for consumers!”

30 fps with mid level settings is runs well? The engine shows its age for sure and it doesn’t perform particularly well on any of the platforms its out for.

He’s so smug and proud it’s honestly pathetic. People like this are just so intensely lame. 

“I am now a pariah of that subreddit,” Adkins wrote in his initial email. “I get it, hype and excitement are at an all-time high. I’m just as excited as the next person, but I draw the line at theft. I was raised to believe that crime doesn’t pay. I had hoped our society, and so-called Bethesda fans could be held to

A reminder your local library isn’t everybody’s local library.

At some point, you have to ask yourself about your own expectations for games (i.e. things we play to kill time for fun). We are entering into an environment socially now where everyone wants every single thing addressed according to their liking or articles get written like this. Had the devs/writers stopped to “more