
Yes, he's trying to make it sound like it has impressive longevity when really what he's saying is that a huge chunk of their game is going to be a waste of time

If a game doesn’t really get going until around 50 hours once the main quest is done, then shouldn’t the main quest be better?

There’s never been a rule that Switch games must have identical features and modes to non-Switch versions, and indeed, they often do not.

Weird question to ask MS. Would make more sense to ask Sony or Square when their exclusivity deals end.

It’s easy to forget the original 360 Kinect was a hit that sold millions of units. The 2010 launch, when it was apparent there wouldn’t be new consoles anytime soon but people wanted a new toy to play with, was pretty much perfect timing. It was great for family games.

Ah yes, how dare the consumer foolishly think that a port studio would properly port something 

The original movie wasn’t really scary either. It’s pretty much just 83 minutes of a woman running around the countryside screaming.

Can anyone help me understand whats so good about this series? I started reading the comics , and yeah Ive seen the movie before, and I just dont get it. I just finished the second issue, and it is still just boring? The characters aren’t interesting or particularly funny, the fights are... underwhelming, the art

The mechs are in ruins and not usable

Well Starfield is getting shelved until after I finish Armored Core 6 in this case.

Actually it’s getting shelved until about nine or ten patches in, because it’s a Bethesda game.

You immediately jumped to hypothesizing that her claims are “over blown”. Your entire post is “maybe she misinterpreted” + “she was probably bad at her job” + “boys will be boys” + “she should have known what the culture was like

Things got even messier when Gamers Nexus alleged that Linus Tech Tips then sold the prototype rather than giving it back to Billet Labs so it could be sent out to other reviewers. Sebastian clarified later that it had not been sold, but rather auctioned off for charity during an Extra Life fundraiser for the

You’re a piece of shit my dude

LTT literally tested a prototype in a way that went against the creator’s explicit instuctions on a wrong GPU (despite Billet Labs providing the GPU on which the cooling block prototype was meant to work - which, as it turns out, was also not sent back to BLL), decided not to correct that in any way, then sold (oh,

The main problem is that LTT initial response to criticism like this is to act like “Y U mAd?”, then apologize only after the blow back. Most of the time Linus goes and stirs up shit on the socials, only to figure out that, no, people are upset and you’re acting like a douche. Then the apology video hits, “blah blah

So, ltt does have 5 or 6 channels. Not to mention exclusives that go up on float plane. I believe they were previously trying to get out something like 14 videos a week, and I don’t think includes the float plane exclusives or clips. Though perhaps not multiple dozens, it’s still quite a lot.

Let’s be clear, Linus was always a smarmy prick...but when you are a relative nobody, that isn’t a big deal. Once he got high on his own products, the cracks started to show. The fact that he is PROUD his shop is anti union and there are NO black on air or behind the scene talent, it solidified everything I needed to

It’s a single player RPG, and like the headline says it’s been 6 months after release with several high profile games that have launched in the interim and soaked up the limelight.

The article still glosses over that fact. It’s mentioned, but barely, that it’s still too early to get a real impression based on what scores are in so far. Furthermore, the author of this article doesn’t even understanding how metascores are calculated.

why does this guy always look like he had to look up how to smile in a book?

The vaulting of content puts me off the entire game. I think I tuned in when it became free (whether that was temporary, a weekend event, the current state, I don’t remember) but I know that I was able to play the actual introductory level, the attack by the Cabal, losing, finding the shard. The fact that that’s no