
I mean you have to be pretty daft — almost willfully so — to not see the obvious similarities and inspirations between BioShock Infinite and this game. It’s not hiding it at all. 

I fail to see the problem here

There’s statues of Lois Lane holding Superman’s dead body, this isn’t that extreme.

So this is...three open world games ubisoft is releasing in the next 12 months?

I love first person games but honestly it is crazy that this is going to be first person.

That’s a truly meaningless comparison.

It’s important to remember that some of the earliest large scale victims of the Nazis were LGBT people, especially transgender. The first public book burning was after they ransacked the world’s first trans clinic. So when these edgelord assholes are just “expressing their opinions” or “politics”, they are LITERALLY

FaZe is slowly morphing into a collition of new incels isn’t it? Ah, and btw, there is no genuine pride to be found in fear and ignorance. This hill you choose to die on isn’t noble, especially since you simp for a fascist.

What is it with RWNJs and trying to play martyr when on gigantic piles of cash?

While I am loathe to defend CDPR, this is a stupid thing to get mad about. Expansions for major games used to cost 30-40 bucks. Taking inflation into account this is a good deal.

We're at the point where the words "Ubisoft open world" is an instant turn off. As enticing as the concept seems, I just can't bring myself to buy into their ... ... approach to open world.

It was a cgi trailer with no gameplay. I couldn't infer anything from the trailer except you play as a bounty hunter. Which is good. Too much star wars stuff is about the jedi

Calling LGBTQ+ people pedophiles is fucked up. Anyone agreeing with that sentiment is just as fucked. For more on who IS grooming children, feel free to visit r/NotADragQueen.

“The gay community are pedophiles” is a shit opinion. You can share it, and we can rightly call you a shit person for it.

Of course he is. And we are free to call his opinion shit and to call your breathless defense of someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire a sad display by a pathetic simp.

BREAKING NEWS: Another member of Faze clan is an ignorant douchebag.

Why all the snark about what the men are wearing?  Shouldn’t we be able to wear whatever we want without attracting comments from the opposite sex?

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that you genuinely don’t understand, and spelling it out for you: his tweet suggests LGBT people are pedophiles, hence “they should leave little children alone”. If you don’t see why that’s bad... well.

I got excited about a new Crash game for a second there until I realized it was Crash Team Rumble. I forgot that game was in the works since its announcement.

Man, the $70 price tag really sucks the wind out of a 20% markdown. Something psychologically disappointing about seeing a new game go on sale and it still being $56.

So if you don’t count large swaths if people having issues, there are no issues?