
You know, considering how awful and intrusive Kotaku’s ads are on mobile, I think it’s kind of hilarious to see you calling out what is fairly benign (albeit also still pretty crappy) compared to your own site’s ads, which are massive and page engulfing.

And then you have the mod makers who act like theyre god’s gift to modding and throw hissy fits and just take all their mods down the second their fragile egos are hurt.

The art style is 11/10.

To me those emails by Quackalope don’t seem like they come from a ‘sweet person’s, but more from a very bad sales rep.

We all know that this tech is not made to make worker more productive but to cut costs at all means and replace them.

The problem would be that the tool can erase the jobs of the artists that it is there to help. “Make more productive” is something only a business owner should care about anyways. The actual worker should be trying to make their best work, not make more work to satisfy some faceless investor that is salivating at the

What a missed opportunity.

He’s got over 15 million subs on YouTube.  Your anecdotal lack of awareness of him does not negate his popularity.  

We support healthy decision making from people in charge.

Honstely? That’s the smartest thing he could’ve done.
When your passion develops into a big company like that and you’re still interested in doing what actually IS your passion, let someone else do the paperwork and administrative tasks.

But... this is literally Mortal Kombat 1. It’s the first Mortal Kombat set in the new timeline splintering from Liu Kang becoming the Lord of Time. It’s a brand new beginning, and the 1 at the end clearly differentiates it from the 1992 game.

For me most of the enjoyment of a games comes from planning how I get stronger. This breaking weapons shit takes much of that away and instead feeds right into my anxiety issues by forcing me to trust that I will find decent weapons when I need them.

Can I just get cool, non-breakable weapons that I can assign to buttons in the next mainline Zelda game, please.

Tears of the Kingdom is UGLY!  It’s very impressive that the Switch can make it look as good as it does, but its an ugly game in 2023.

I honestly don’t understand why anyone would subject themselves to this when you can buy it digitally without leaving home. I also recently turned 40, and I am fighting to reduce the amount of physical things I own, not add to them. To each their own I guess. 

Let’s see what the pc users do with it, because I guarantee you it is held back by old hardware. They just did a phenomenal job of optimizing it.

Damn...the comparisons to Destiny 2 are not great since I hate how they handle delivering narrative that exists while the “year” is active and then disappears forever. I’ll have to read more into it to see if the additional narrative/whatever content actually sticks around, because if not that potentially kills a lot

Game Freak and ambitious generally don’t mix very well.

I’ve seen more news about them going after leaked content than I have leaked content itself. I think Nintendo should look up the Streisand Effect because I  never would’ve known about the artbook if it wasn’t for the attention brought to it from them going after it.

It’s goanna make me sound like an old fuddy duddy