
Wow. Fuck this kid.

Oh fuck off with that bullshit. Its clear from their history that they are under pricing their tiers to get more sales by putting riskier margins only to have the market do what it does and they then hold the backers hostage for more money. Either they pushed the kickstarter out the door before they really grasped

To explain my reference: I gasped out loud at these fonts. I would have put more work into a photoshop joke. and this game cost $70.

Company owned forums are always just toxicity, whining, and unanswered questions. Game subreddits are the only place I EVER find valuable discourse happening about a game anymore

Wow, I thought it was cringy to read this shit, but it isn’t even half as bad as actually hearing a grown-ass adult pretend to be lusting after a video game character.

> Spoilers for Horizon Forbidden West and Burning Shores follow:
meanwhile above the spoiler warning, and in the lead image, and everywhere else - THE SPOILER

It released yesterday. Y'all couldn't keep a spoiler out of your titles for a full two days?

Not everybody has the time to breeze through the DLC in one day, who signed off on spoiling this shit?

Thanks for the spoiler. I would have found this to be an interesting surprise for a character that has so far not shown any particular romantic interest in anyone. 

The DLC literally came out yesterday and you go and throw a major character spoiler IN THE FREAKIN’ HEADLINE, completely unavoidable. Sooooooooo glad you put a spoiler warning in the body of your article though. Jerk. 

They DLC came out yesterday. Do you have to post spoilers in the headline and image?


There is so much aggressive color editing in each of these photos they would have gotten the same effect with a greenscreen and a quick snap of essentially any sky. It’s a cute gimmick, but literally none of it’s showing up on screen.

This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.

Sounds like he didn’t have much of a struggle to find his character in White Lotus.

I did think it was weird that the game said skeletal warriors had increased damage but reduced health, yet they rarely ever died. They seemed just as healthy as the defenders to me. With the amount of corpses around to use I don’t really see this being much of a nerf unless they’re made of tissue paper now.

This seems like an excellent way to convince steam to not let you back on the platform 

This is...awful? FOMO is a huge problem for me, it’s one of the reasons I quit Destiny 2. Quit Division 2. Quit Overwatch. Quit Hearthstone. My broken brain won’t allow me to miss a season or event, and if I do—because IRL gets busy or another game comes out—then it’s over. There’s no catching up. I missed a

Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly