
Copyright definitely needs reform (especially the duration), but it absolutely shouldn’t be abolished. Just because the dam overspills sometimes doesn’t mean it’s not holding back a whole lot worse.

This is really fun and I hate to be annoying but I can’t stop thinking that it would be fun to see a “PS1 Dead Space demake” that uses pre-rendered backgrounds and fixed camera angles like the old PS1 Resident Evil games.

I mean maybe, just MAYBE, if your content is contingent on playing nice with someone else’s intellectual property — especially a notoriously litigious company like Nintendo — it would be a good idea not to do something they’re known for getting pissy about?

Nintendo is famous for being the Lawful Evil of modding, so I’m not really sure why Point Crow is surprised by this; especially since I’m pretty sure you can only mod Switch games on a jailbroken Switch if you disable online functionality while playing games, since you’ll get banned otherwise...

I feel like if Hitler had a kid who was trying to do good in the world, they’d change their name too.

What the fuck are you talking about?

It’s not, really. Queer people seeing people like themselves in games is a big deal, because representation matters. Just like the fact that this is the first “out” hero (at release) matters too.

Any attempt at comment from the alleged shooter or their legal representation?  Forgive me if I don’t take Cook’s “simple practical joke” statement at face value.

Lukewarm take: the show was neither particularly good nor particularly bad.

They’re all RPGs

I feel like in single player games, becoming an OP juggernaut is the reward for grinding away for hours to slowly build your character up. If the game is designed to continually scale the enemies up to always be close to the same level as you, then for me at least, the sense of accomplishment in diminished. If I grind

Now playing

Stop making me reach for this clip, Bobby!


If it works on console, it’s trivial to get the tech working on PC, so a quick spitball idea:

When the cast for the TV show was announced I was very disappointed, especially with the casting of Ellie. I love the character so much that I named my daughter after her and I just didn't see Bella as a good fit. Luckily I'm a moron and after episode two I was sold on Bellas' performance. I hope that season two

I’d say the most controversial change is stuffing the game with microtransactions and live service bullshit in an effort to create a perpetual money machine for sex criminal executives.

After watching that clip, I’m reminded less about the Queen’s death and more about the fact that all Twitch streamers have to performatively scream every 30 seconds to entertain their 12 year old fans.

Rest in peace guardian.

I completely agree with the top 3. But AC3 is ranked far to high.