
I just not feeling it at all. While I would normally not ask the question “is this really the right time for this game?” just by saying that thought outloud, I guess I am. I wonder how many other people are feeling like this, and if it’s going to affect the game’s sales. Probably not, at least not from what I’ve

In a different point of view, PSVR sold for 5 million units, Oculus the next best one units is at 1.5 million, and vive is at 1.4 million. Surely the price range differs, but it shows to be pretty decent sales.

Luke, had to say you’re wrong but you are. That thing looks amazing. While the new Xbox looks like a HTPC hooked up to your TV, this looks like something from the future. Or bubble-era Japan. Either way, I am all for it!

Disagree. It takes elements from every past generation of PlayStation and rolls them into the most PlayStation PlayStation that has ever PlayStationed.

The PSOne was white and or Grey, lest you forget. It has a splash of the PS2 Electric Blue, it’s got PS3 Curves, and the high-gloss / matte finish of the PS4.
This is

Fuck this headline. I love it.

Y’know, when you have a ‘everything revealed during [INSERT EVENT HERE]’ post, I expect the actual videos of the things you talk about.  But I guess that’s too much to ask for

Oh man, by the time Ratchet & Clank was revealed I was already at the shutupandtakemymoney.gif phase.

Im so sick of the counterfeit $20 dollar bill b.s., do you know how easy it is to get a counterfeit bill?  I worked in a bank and the amount of people who handed me a counterfeit bill would blow your mind.  Hell Ive had ATM machines give me counterfeit bills before because unless you specifically know what to look for

Welp, glad I never jumped on the Valorant train.

I uninstalled the game last season and based on what I’ve seen since Tuesday, I don’t think I’ll be logging in ever again. Their big announcement yesterday boiled down to:

We’re adding a new energy type to the game. Here’s the names of the next three expansions. We’re going to start disabling content created under

I don’t think Destiny 2’s ever been in a great place, at least relative to the best days of the first game. Instead it trends upward or downward based on a variety of factors that are always in flux, changing and getting reworked as each new content drop arrives.

No, the game is too large, complex, and difficult to test are not really good reasons given that there are literally dozens of other games out there that successfully manage the same issues. I’m surprised that it’s not something that they worked on addressing since it was one of the contributing factors to starting

The Destiny Vault? No. Bad idea. There's never any reason to remove content.

me too!

Funny because there’s an audio sync delay issue in that video for me and it’s infuriating! XD

“People are really upset about systemic racism. What should we do?”
You could make an effort to hire people of color!
“uhhhhhhhh, what else could we do?”
Donate to worthy charities!
“Uhhhhhhhh.... any other options?”

“We are releasing a brand new quest which will be endlessly boring and repetitive that only a small portion of our players will be able to slog to completion for a forgettable reward. Don’t forget to buy the new season pass!”

I’m done with Destiny 2, they can have my Deluxe Edition money i don’t care anymore. Moving forward reading about Destiny 2 is more interesting than playing it.

Looking at Japanese comments is a lot more pleasant