
In response to whoever inevitably complains that they still haven’t seen a box they won’t be able to buy until November: have some perspective. The PS5 simply is not the most important thing in the world right now.

I played the new Spider-Man game and it is so incredibly boring. Just another in a very long line of open world games. Mind you, it does have some very cool web slinging mechanics but that’s hardly enough to overcome the tedium of another open world side-quest fest.

Loving the album so far! and contrary to this review, Alice is one of my favorite track of the album!

Jesus, just ban these fucking people for life if you want to make real change because these cheaters from many different games are just going to keep popping up and you need real players to play.

I’m about 15 mins into the vid and so far it really feels like the studio has somehow forgotten all the lessons it learnt about their fans from the first game and its DLC.

Is there ever going to be a point I can get back into Destiny without feeling like I’m being punished for not religiously playing, or should I just write that off?

If there’s one thing you can count on Destiny for, it’s the giant disconnect between what you’re told is happening, and what you can see happening. 

So you are mad that you can’t use a promotion that is aim at new account only because you already bought the game in the pass and already got your free 30days?

This is clearly a user error case and not a problem from Square-Enix...

This is a pretty misleading title. It’s worded like it’s hard for newcomers to take advantage of this sale, when in actuality, that’s not the situation. FFXIV “really doesn’t want you trying it again” because that’s not what the sale is. The sale going on gives away the base game for free, but you already bought the

I mean what else is it suppose to do? You had the full base version and you’re trying to add something you already had. Not trying to sound blunt but this just sounds more like a rant post from a random forum then anything else.

The first AC was a case study in how NOT to design and develop a game.

And this is why executives shouldn’t be allowed to meddle. The CEO thinks their idiot kid’s lone opinion is the equivalent of rigorous market testing.

Let be honest here, most of the main demographic playing this game probably have no idea who Christopher Nolan is, or if they do, it’s probably a vague idea about that ‘batman director’. Batman Begins came out 15 years ago and I’d bet money that movie is older than the average player. This is a weird place to show

I’m actually more interested in the original version of Suicide Squad, no matter are bad it would still be. XD


I liked it because it wasn’t weeaboo anime, but sure, make everything generic looking anime.

Since some people don’t understand the actual complaint behind the look of the game...

I prefer the coloring in the original. There are more earthy and rusty tones, especially on the character models.

With tech limitations comes art direction. I’m totally grabbing this, since I never played the original, but I will say that I love the painterly direction of the original more than the generic stuff the new one has.

Just saying :/