nothing special

There is a single outpatient psychiatrist in my county of 250k odd people. She’s not very good, and your care will consist mostly of 15 min sessions where she checks to make sure your medications aren’t causing severe side effects. Better hope your insurance will pay for those pointless 15 minutes every 3 months.

Do I expect the dude to declare himself a Bolivarian up there on the national debate stage? Of course not. Do I expect someone with a history of often outspoken support for Latin American self-determination in the face of US militarism and economic violence to know better than to give credence to the propaganda upon

“Vice President, what are your feelings on reparations?”
“Triple money to schools! I was married to a dead teacher! Black parents need to be shown how to put a record player on at night so their kids hear more words.”
Centrist third way: That’s MY President. 

So if Sanders is so distrustful of US imperialism, why the fuck did he endorse US imperialist framing on Venezuela in response to that bullshit question last night?* Dude may be better than the rest of the field on US militarism, but that’s a depressingly long ways off from “good.” 

I disagree. The fact that Beto got that close to winning against Cruz showed that he had some legs.

Then fucking let them. When are Democrats going to get sick of conditioning everything they do based on how their ideological opponents will react to it?  

Well, he’s not running for elected office in Texas, and I really don’t care whether he ever wins elected office in Texas. 

Normal country. Very normal country.

everyone is saying this now. And with the numerous mass shootings this summer alone, it's time to stop pussyfooting around it too. 

Was this after Castro went........there? JFC Joe’s breaking down before our eyes.

“What’d he say, Bernie?”

Ok, you know what? This is a fairly anonymous forum so I’ll be honest here. The “opiate crisis” is blown astronomically out of proportion and it’s fucking over pain patients. That statistic about how most opiate addicts started with pills? It neglects to mention that the vast majority of them started with *stolen

On behalf of the parts of the east coast that aren’t the mid Atlantic:

Speaking as someone who has spent most of his life trying to survive in the deepest-red of Red State America, I’d say that her strategy is half right. Mitch McConnell is unpopular, largely because he’s a shameless slimeball whom, if you met him in real life, you’d make certain to count your fingers after shaking hands

My ex-wife was a full-time conservative organizer (in Canada, but they hire the same specialists and go through the same training as Republicans). One thing conservative organizers understand that seems not to penetrate the skulls of Democratic organizers is that you don’t win by fighting to move voters from one

Hell yeah, baby! Debate night! Stoked to not watch this, catch a few highlights on Twitter, and have it make absolutely no difference as to which candidate I support (to the extent I support any of them).

No one is ever going to call Fassbenden a great screenwriter/director, but he has a dedication to the kind of low-budget, socially-conscious-but-also-maybe-bordering-on-exploitation (Whew!) horror flicks that I love. As for his acting resume, well...let’s just say he has the perfect face for horror.

That’s not the right analogy. You can invite a group of friends and just play basketball in the park. Hell, you can even create your own rules. But to play League of Legends, you have to get it through Riot Games and its game rules is dictated by Riot games

The problem with Video Games is that they are a privately owned intellectual property held by a corporation.

Skarsgård seems like yet another misstep in The Stand’s casting, which has been all over the damn map.