I have nothing snarky to say. I’m in absolute awe of these people fighting for their rights in such a smart way and effective way. I really do hope they win....but I’m not holding my breath.
How can you sniff him out every time, do you have psychic powers, or just a direct pipeline inside Gawkmodo...?
Dismiss Craig, it’s just tomatoface attempting to troll again.
Like him or not, I’m fairly confident that Bernie Sanders would be. He has a decades long track record of unapologetically bucking the foreign policy consensus (uhhh...notwithstanding his lamentable vote in favor of the AUMF).
...The 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force paved the way for the “War on Terror”—which has raged on for the last sixteen years. As Congress has increasingly deferred its War Powers authority to the White House, our military presence around the world has reached unprecedented levels. We appear to be…
Quagmire #2. Oh, look who it is!
I blame Susan Sarandon for this.
There is a very important thing people also need to remember: if the management of your “progressive” organization fucks over its own workers then THAT is what that organization represents: fucking over workers. If it seeks money and profit then that is what it will do: it will seek money and profit at the cost of all…
there are a number of things that are profoundly depressing about late capitalism, but the “hollow a victim out so you can use their skin as a puppet to sell merch” bit has always struck me as uniquely ghoulish
That anyone takes these HRC staffers seriously is beyond me. They tanked TWO elections. Yet they have the gall to still lecture people about winning strategies.
Neera busts unions, outs sexual harassment victims, takes money from the UAE, wanted to steal oil from Libya, and helped blow the 2016 election. How anyone takes her seriously is beyond me.
The Center for American Progress is a “centrist” organization primarily funded by monied interests and the ThinkProgress site is one of the few productive and progressive things they have accomplished. What is called “centrism” here is right wing in every other part of the world.
Now I’m no big city think tank director here but it’s almost like liberalism is a hypocritical, exploitative, anti-worker philosophy or something.
Why am I so skeptical of her? I mean, it’s partly because she flopped on Medicare for all, saying she was for it at first, even as she pushed an idea that was basically just the ACA expanded over 10 years with no mention that I saw of how it would regulate the insurance industry or drive down prices. Then she said she…