nothing special

Same troll under another username.

Same troll under one username.

Horrible try at burnishing your liberal bona fides, Republican troll.

Yeah, no, he’s a long-standing troll who tries to incite antagonism between Democrats/progressives/etc. He’s very clearly not an actual supporter of Libby or this site. He’s also clumsy as shit.

How about we actually have a meaningful God-damned primary by talking about what’s okay and what’s not okay to each of us about the candidates? How about we actually do what’s supposed to be done in this to try to get to the best candidate being chosen at the end of it? To at least try? How about that?

lol @ Aunt Fundamentally-Dishonest who likes to infantilize when lacking any substance in their arguments.

He’s a troll here to start shit between liberals. That’s his purpose. He’s not honest. Look at his record of posts. Don’t fall for it.

Hey, look... now you’re trying to start shit between sister-site comment threads. Well done, troll-posing-as-a-liberal-but-clearly-not-at-all. 

I am anti-imperialist, anti-militarist. I don’t think we should have gone into Syria, and I want us out there and pretty much everywhere. But when it was announced that we were pulling out completely, my heart broke for the Kurds. I actually am relieved that we are not leaving them to be massacred. I recognize that

Amen to that.

I have liked Warren quite a bit, and I’d happily vote for her, but I don’t believe her overall policies are as good or helpful as Bernie’s. I also don’t think her 2020 campaign is remotely as savvy or diverse as his. Again, I’d be way ok voting for her if she became the candidate, but I definitely prefer Sanders.

No, it’s not subjective. You can add a thousand links to dishonest arguments. The counter-arguments have been listed here and elsewhere a thousand times. They get mentioned by the likes of Sanders and Ocasio-Ortez and the others you try to denigrate as being naive and unreasonable all the time. You claim that they

Or you’d support kneecapping significant change that is so badly needed and you’d support the status quo that is causing so much damage to so many. That also qualifies.

Countercounterpoint: That wave clearly happened despite her, and could have been larger.

Username checks out.

I’d kill for a good list like that along with his purported answers.

“Motherfucker, that’s what I just said to YOU! That’s not an answer!”

Looks like Politico has a serious Betocrush:

I do as well. I also think it would be the very best ticket for the well-being of the US and the world going forward the following four years in terms of what could be done.

I think it’s both in the MCU.